❤ ACTIVATE Your Supreme SEXUAL MAGNETISM ❤ Redefine Yourself With EPIC EASERN Healing ARTS ❤ - 99

Posted : Friday, January 03, 2025 10:24 AM | 10 views

"Napoleon Hill wrote Think and grow Rich in 1937 and even than he recognized the POWER of the emotion of Sexual Energy as he warned: the emotion of S-X is a virtue ONLY when used intelligently and with discrimination. It may be misused & often is, to such an extent that it debases, instead of enriches both body and mind". Maybe you are settling for a life where the greatest part of your Sexual Energy goes unexpressed, is blocked, misunderstood or is intimidating or uncomfortable to discuss with just anyone. I embody a Magical Muse and Expert Sensuality Guide for savvy individuals who desire to excel in their sensual Being /Expression and Sexual Magnetism and I hold the space for you to be both heard and understood. It is quite possible to finally.... Evolve and Experience your Life in Deliciously Epic Ways with Eastern Healing Arts/Practices in my St Petersburg Temple ONLY UNTIL END OF AUGUST!! I teach the Art and the Way of Supreme Masculine MAGNETISM that will prove most valuable even priceless, at any stage of your growth. Understand that this posting is unique and different than any other ad.. Its an Opportunity and Experience not just a service!! Instead of a quick fix,you may just need a mentor like myself…Someone who has a proven step-by-step protocol to help you break through the blocks that have held you back from evolving in your sexuality....Someone who is devoted to helping unsatisfied men heal their past and gain your Authentic power in the present time.. There is an imminent shift happening between Aware men,women and levels of personal development and receptivity.. This type of Superior Aware male has explored the male structures to the edge, and somehow senses other possibilities beyond reach. He knows deep inside there is a potential untapped but he feels trapped...He may feel that there is simply repetition, indifference, frustration, tiredness, meaninglessness, delusion, or he feels happy but not really.. Is this you? Eastern Healing Arts is an immersion into the realm of wholeness in Life through Evolving thru ones sexuality, embracing male and female beyond separation. It starts with allowing the mysterious,the magical... Are you willing to expand beyond your past experiences? Are you ready for the next step in your evolution? Isn't it about time you become up close and personal with your own sexuality? Be Advised that I only CHOOSE to see an Elite Group of Respectful men and couples, savvy and open to REAL change and evolving instead of shallow same old,same old distractions. I am, Dr. Dagny, an Intimacy,Empowerment and Sensuality Mentor/Goddess for Men in Relationships or seeking Real Change. After having guided 100's of persons/couples worldwide into exploring and stepping into the powerful transformative part of their Sexuality, I can assure you that the struggles you encounter are not unusual, hopeless or unfixable.One session with an Expert like myself is an equivalent to a Masters Degree in Sexual Emotional Intelligence! "To change, a person must face the dragon of his appetites with another dragon,the Life Energy of the soul"- Rumi Thank you for reading this before you contact me....We can make this a refreshing training and Valuable Gift, an educational sensual experience or a sacred Spiritual experience, a celebration of your deep masculine essence, a sexual healing, all with a wise Eastern Arts Goddess/Dakini. What we can't make it, is anything that compromises myself or these teachings with your agenda. Contact me ONLY if you are the KIND of man or couple I described, indeed I encourage you to Reach out if you feel my guidance can help illuminate your path and consciousness beyond perceived boundaries keeping you stuck. "I let go of who I am so I may become who I might be". -Lao Tzu, Taoist Master. The Investment in yourself is based on numerous options starting at $200. If you want to find out how all this applies to you personally and how you can create more intimacy, fulfillment and Extraordinary Results in your life, I invite you to schedule a brief Discovery Phone Consultation, to make sure this session is right for both of us. I Appreciate you Contacting me via >Email...dagnymuse@gmail.com with your name, age, cell number and the nature of your challenge. Rewarding Private Cam sessions available long distance.I also offer One full Day Adventure or Weekend Intensive for the Devoted. Rev.Dr.Dagny CCH.t,D.D, Sacred Vitality Warriess/ Priestess, Sexy Thriving Sage, Certified Hypnotherapist in Past Lives, Modern Day Dakini, Sexual Empowerment and Body Sensuality Educator, Magical Muse and Doctor of Universal Principles from CA. Completed Levels 1-3 of Ipsalu Tantric Kriya Yoga .Usui Reiki Healer.Over 2 decades of Experience and Practice. Dr. Dagny, is an Advocate of Sacred Healing Eastern Arts who teaches Ancient UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLES and EPIC EASTERN PRACTICES. orange spa tampa reviews,happy tug massage,3323 west cypress st,massaggi erotici,asian massage parlor happy ending near me,asian escort tampa,eortic massage near me,erotic massages tampa,adultsearch tampa alligator,nuru massage tampa florida
  • Post ID : 2339393
  • Poster's age : 26
  • City : Tampa
  • Address : Fort Myers, Lakeland, Sarasota, St. Petersburg, Tampa