SenSuaL SaTurDay StReSs ReLieF$SPeCiAL$ 80 ♥ KiSSeS♥ 2DaY OnLy! 813/431-7485 TPA/IN - 35

Posted : Friday, January 10, 2025 10:31 AM | 1 views

CALL ME 4 AN APPOINTMENT (NO TEXT REPLYS PLEASE)~PLEASE ALLOW AMPLE TIME PRIOR 2 APPOINTMENT TIME ! Hi~I'm Kashmir and I am a Healer of Stress...Are you ready to be Healed from Unhealthy Stress 2Day? Sink Into My KasBah & Float Away In My Oasis of Wet Dreams! My KasBah is located in a very convenient location in Tampa between Raymond James Stadium & Downtown Tampa in a Lovely, Upscale, Riverside Neighborhood! So Grab your Floaty & Pick up the Phone & Call for a Reservation ToDay at: 813/431-7485! GIFTS: My Gifts are ♥100 KiSsEs♥ for An Hour of Sheer Bliss~Xtra Gifts are Welcomed and Appreciated but Optional and are Not Required! PROTOCOL: The following Guidelines is for My Security Purposes Only: 1. NO TAXIS OR CABS! You must Have Your Own Vehicle to visit me. I cannot be inconvenienced with people being dropped off at My Home. 2. A One Hour Prior/Advanced Notice is Required in order to Visit Me. 3. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR OWN CELL PHONE 2 COME VISIT ME...I Do Not Accept Blocked Calls, Unavailable and or Restricted Calls at Any Time~So Please Identify Yourself when You Call Me. 4. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR OWN CELL PHONE 2 COME VISIT ME...Do Not Attempt to Call Me from a Pay Phone or a Company Landline~I Have 2 be able 2 Confirm our Appointment with you. 5. NO Emails or Texting because I stay Very Busy and I may Not have time to get back with you and I do Not want to Miss you. HOURS OF OPERATION: My Hours of Operation are (TBA) contingent on a Daily Basis and Only when I POST MY AD. Please Call Me At Least Ample Time to Appointment Time and I will try my best to accommodate you in a lesser time Notice if Possible. ShanGrila Awaits You~Do Not Miss Your Majik Window! ~Muwah!! Kisses~*KashMir*Healer* massage near me nuru,tampa massage finder,ts escorts in florida,oriental massage tampa fl, asian massage,tampa bodyrubs,adult massage asian,adultsesrch tampa,asian sexual massage,tampa korean spa
  • Post ID : 4784658
  • Poster's age : 22
  • City : Tampa