Tue 07 Jan
**SeXy BLoNde**HaPPY NeW YeaR **^SPeCIaL120 H/HR*7am-6pm DAiLY*^PIXS R 100% ReAl {TeR Rev#139520} - 21
Im On Top Of Things.Want To Be One Of them?_*_ Screwed And Reviewed _*_ REAL Pix ,NO Tricks * - 21
(Tampa/Airport/Ask About Incall)
ExOtiC & BuStY W/KiLLeR AsSEtS >> SUPER SeXY ❥ HOT LaTiNA 100% ReAL - 26
(Tampa and St.Pete and surroundings)
@~ Come Unwrap Me! HOLIDAY SPECIAL TODAY @~@~ - 28
(Hillsborough Co, Westshore Airport Dale Mabry Tampa)
AvA** I'm in the Clearwater stpete Airport area to note only - 24
(Hillsborough Co, Pinellas Co, Tampa, Ulmerton Rd)
✿100//Swedish Busty Blonde ✿100 hr -short notice ok -incall❤❤✿✿ - 39
(Pinellas Co, 275 Howard frankl bridge/Ulmerton/airpor)
💕 💕100/Miss Sweden - Busty Pretty Blonde available on short notice 💕💕 - 39
(275 bridge/ulmerton/airports/condo, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
2011 Happy New Year | Latina Playmate ---> JULIANA ---> 3054793366 - 21
(Tampa | Westshore | Airport)
🌺🌺🌺100hr// 80hf Miss Sweden Busty Pretty Blonde available on short notice /discreet🌺🌺🌺 - 39
(275 bridge/ulmerton/airports/priv/gandy, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Tampa* Gorgeous* Natural 36-28-36*legs to die for* New pics - 32
(Hillsborough Co, In the heart of Tampa)
Super Sexy PETITE BLONDE 727 560 3403 Close to Bridges Clearwater PRIVATE INCALL - 25
(Pinellas Co, TIA/ St.Pete/Clearwater airport/ CLW)
Relax and unwind with Mikila New Location In Tampa by Airport 160 all weekend - 46
(Hillsborough Co)
# HOT # BUSTY # COUGAR # All Natural 38 DDD's ...IN/CALL .. OUT/CALL - 39
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa St Pete Clearwater)
# HOT # BUSTY # COUGAR # All Natural 38 DDD's.... InCall / OutCall ... - 39
(Hillsborough Co, Clearwater St Pete Tampa)
Get It How YOU want It !!! MidNite Special 70 70 70...100% Delicious!!! CALL ENVY 727-831-2480 - 24
GeT ReADy 2 MeLT ** (100-150 SPECIAL)~$$ ~ RaTeD HoT~ N ~ReADY!!!!!! - 22
Be pampered by a Tanned Swedish Busty Blonde *)SPECIALS 100 - 38
(Tampa, Ulmerton/Feathersound/275 bridge/gandy)
💕 💕100// Miss Sweden Busty Pretty Blonde available on short notice 100💕💕 - 39
(275 bridge/ulmerton/airports/condo/gandy, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
💞💞✿✿✿♥♥100 hr Pretty Swedish Busty Blonde:)✿✿100 specials💞💞 - 38
(Pinellas Co, 275 bridge/ulmerton/airports/priv condo)
♥♥♥♥100 hr// Pretty Swedish Busty Blonde:)♥♥♥♥100 specials - 39
(Pinellas Co, 275 bridge/ulmerton/airports/priv res)
*LOOK** 50 hug special FREAKY/FETISH FRIDAY! *SweeT!* BUSTY BLOND!!!THE" REAL"KANDi i!! 727-238-6492 - 29
HOT! Sophia. Come play.Petite California latina. - 30
(Pinellas Co, St.Pete/Clearwater airport area)
💜💜💜100/Be pampered by a Busty Pretty Blonde-Discreet incall & short notice ok/100 💕💕💕 - 39
(275 brdge/Ulmerton/airports/condo/275, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
🌺🌺🌺100hr Miss Sweden Busty Pretty Blonde available on short notice /discreet🌺🌺🌺 - 39
(275 bridge/ulmerton/airports/priv/gandy, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
💕 💕100// Miss Sweden Busty Pretty Blonde available on short notice 100💕💕 - 39
(275 bridge/ulmerton/airports/condo/gandy, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Natural bouncy 36DD🍌🍒🍓skilled mouth and talented tongue🍌🍒private room 🍌🍒to the inbo - 26
(Clearwater/st.pete airport, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
💖 BOOBY (38F) & BOOTY 💖 Lover's Dream❣💋🍭 Sensual KISSER ❖ Xtreme CURVES 🍭 💖 Good REVIEWS 💖 - 25
(Hillsborough Co, S. Dale Mabry ♥ In / Out ♥ SPECIALS)
80 IN/CALL SPECIAL~BUSTY COUGAR ~LOVE Big Beautiful Breasts!!! All Natural 38DDD's - 39
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa-Clear/St.Pete)
jessy erotic bodyslide, full body rub with all week 100 hr 9-11 at nite - 43
# HOT # BUSTY # COUGAR # All Natural 38 DDD's ...IN/CALL .. OUT/CALL - 39
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa St Pete Clearwater)
Get It How YOU want It !!! MidNite Special 70 70 70...100% Delicious!!! CALL ENVY 727-831-2480 - 24
Get It How YOU want It !!! Saturday Special.. 80 80 ...100% Delicious!!! CALL ENVY 727-831-2480 - 24
=====> Oct. 6-10 Booking Now: Unique Experience You'll Never Forget - NO LAST MINUTE
(Near Airport (33634))
✿100//Swedish Busty Blonde ✿100 hr -short notice ok -incall❤❤✿✿ - 39
(Pinellas Co, 275 Howard frankl bridge/Ulmerton/airpor)
60 INCALL Special (( ALL NATURAL 36DD )) ((Tina Cherry Pie )) - 28
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa ,Clearwater,St Pete,Town & Country)
42 DD,,43Hips,, 33 waist,,Dirty Blonde,,6 FT TALL {channelside} - 43
(Hillsborough Co, Downtown, channelside)
Mon 06 Jan
💖Super Sexy PETITE BLONDE 💖 727 560 3403💖 Close to Bridges 💖PRIVATE INCALL💝Specials - 25
(Pinellas Co, TIA/ St.Pete/Clearwater airport/ CLW)
***Sexy Summer! Blonde hair, blue eyes, Sexy Curves*** - 23
(Pinellas Co, Clearwater/outcall to you)
New In ToWn 80 SPECIAL* Exotic * [ Mixed Dominican] ((1OO% SEXY )) 305824 7066 Up 24/7 - 19
[[NeW iN ToWn]] Ѽ @PPLE ß0TTOM Ѽ [$70 SPECIAL] ((Exotic CuTie w/BooTy)) 813*952*7557 - 19
(Tampa/Dale Mabry/R J stadium/airport)
*LOOK! SEXXY SUNDAY!!"60 HUG SPeciaL!! *SweeT!*BUSTY! KANDii 727-238-6492 - 29
jessy erotic bodyslide, full body rub with all week 100 hr 9-11 at nite - 43
° GoRGeouS ° °; ° ° PeRFeCT Asian PLaYMaTe!! ° ° ° ° UP TOTAL NIGHT! - 23
(tampa airport --downtown)
*** Come have the best experience with us @ 5th Ave Body Spa *** - 25
(Pinellas Co, 3734 131st Ave N. Suite 13 Cleawater)
CLaSSy ** SeXy ** BLoNdEs ~~~ ArE YoU ReAdY 2 ReLaX n EnJoY YoUrSeLf - 22
💖 BOOBY (38F) & BOOTY 💖 Lover's Dream❣ 💋🍭 Sensual KISSER ❖ Xtreme CURVES 🍭 💖 brand NEW PICS - 25
(Hillsborough Co, S. Dale Mabry * ♥ In/ Out ♥ SPECIAL)
42 DD,,43Hips,, 33 waist,,Dirty Blonde,,6 FT TALL {channelside} - 43
(Hillsborough Co, Downtown, channelside)
*LOOK!! taNTRIc TUESDAY FETISH SPeciaL!! *SweeT!* BUSTY! THE" REAL"KANDii!! 727-238-6492 - 29
HOT A SS ♥ BIG, Tall, Sweet & Sexy ♥ Blonde/Blue ♥ "Sweet goin away specials" - 44
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa International Airport/West)
Holiday SPECiAL! TiRED of ALL the B.S? C U M try the B*E*S*T! __ CliCk on if YOU CAN HANDLE IT..... - 24
(South Tampa)
@~ Come Unwrap Me! HOLIDAY SPECIAL TODAY @~@~ - 28
(Hillsborough Co, Westshore Airport Dale Mabry Tampa)
$80 special Sexy -:¦:- Gorgeous -:¦:- Dominican/blk -:¦:- In/Out - Calls 321-230-3710 - 21
(Tampa N, Dale Mabry near I-275)
💕 💕80// 100 hr Swedish Busty Blonde ✿ -short notice ok -incall 💕💕 - 39
(Pinellas Co, 275 brdge/Ulmerton/airports/priv res/275)
Bad jessy brown fun size body slider/stress reliefer,get it all 80hr flat 3 in 1 late nights - 45
(Pinellas Co, clearwater/st pete airport)
Bad Jessy after shopping SPECIAL! 50hh 80hr 100 completely Happy til 2AM - 45
(Pinellas Co, clearwater/st pete airport)
bad bad jessy brown bday rubs 3 in 1 body slider/stress relief 80hr friday thru sat 11AM - 45
(Pinellas Co, clearwater/st pete airport)
Be Pampered by a Busty Swedish Blonde *) - - 38
(Pinellas Co, Ulmerton/Feathersound/275 bridge/gandy)
♥♥♥♥100 hr// Pretty Swedish Busty Blonde:)♥♥♥♥100 specials - 39
(Pinellas Co, 275 bridge/ulmerton/airports/priv res)
Im On Top Of Things.Want To Be One Of them?_*_ Screwed And Reviewed _*_ REAL Pix ,NO Tricks * - 21
(Tampa/Airport/Ask About Incall)
Go To Bed With A Smile!! .. ^* Screwed & REVIEWED *~ Im Everything Their Not.. *Sweet & Seedless* - 21
(Tampa/Airport/Ask About In Call)
U Only Need A Hundred Kisses 2 Have Ur Way With Me! *^ TAYLOR ROSE ^* Make Me Ur Favorite Flower... - 24
(( BUSTY )) (( HOT )) (( COUGAR )) ((( All Natural 38 DDD's ))) IN/CALL SPECIAL.... - 39
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa,Clearwater,St. Pete)
2011 Happy New Year | Latina Playmate ---> JULIANA ---> 3054793366 - 21
(Tampa | Westshore | Airport)
Sun 05 Jan