Thu 09 Jan
Miss Murno Well Reviewed Provding incAlls in Private Upscale Location available now!!!! - 24
(Pinellas Co, North St pete in calls)
(MARIAH) is on F!RE... Freak MEE Freaking Good ... I GOT WHaT U NeeD - 21
(Hillsborough Co, stadium area)
** Early Morning Seduction ** Exotic Brunette Playmate All For You.... 60 Special - 22
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon ((60 n 75)))
***60/100 rose spl. "10~6" #long legged tan Suthrn HOTTIE.. avbl now (incall) - 69
(Hillsborough Co, W. Hillsborough/Vet's Exprs.)
Sexxi Girl With Amazing Skills! * Incall* Specials* 727-280-7197 - 28
(Pasco Co, Pasco/Incall/NPR/main st.)
Secrets modeling - 150 summer specials! Feeling tense? Get relaxed Right Now with Katie & Fetish - 25
(Downtown Casino Hyde Park Armenia Hills)
Nicki/Tori🚨flat rate 160 for 30 Min🚨Private Modeling Sessions 813-933-4411 open tii 2am - 35
(1053 west Busch blvd tampa fl, Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
☆ HoTT Ebony Puerto Rican BoMoBsHeLl ☆ (NEW Pics) WeTTeR iS BeTtEr Specials! ter122848 - 21
(Incall - Ulmerton)
Brazilian/Philippian Goddess is here to Fulfill your Dreams -V.I.P SERVICE never looked Better - 19
(Clearwater beach-Its me or its Free, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
***** C O L O M B I A ***** colombia ***** C O L O M B I A ****** colombia ***** C O L O M B I A ** - 22
(tampa clearwater st pete)
1st Day In TowN!!!! ~*~*~*~* Let's Get DoWn (((((( BeaUtifuL BiG NaturAL BOOBIES!!!! ))))) - 20
♥* DON'T YOU WANT !!! ------- >>> {{ THE PERFECT GIRL}} ::: DOnT MiSS OuT: *♥ - 22
(Hillsborough Co, tampa)
Know who you're meeting..Be safe… is here! 100% free! - 22
(Fort Myers, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa, OutCall)
IMMEDIATE OPENINGS & AVAILABILITY @ Aromatherapy & Stress-Relief Centers * 5 Locations - 99
(Pinellas County Area/OPENINGS AVAILABLE, Tampa)
Play Golf or SEE GRACE? See Grace ... Witty Fit SOCCER MILF Style and a NATURAL REDHEAD - 40
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
❤🆕Pics💯%Real Deal Beautiful British💣I'm Classy💎NOT Trashy🚫wasting⏰on these fake 🐥👎 - 30
(Hillsborough Co, Pinellas Co, St pete, Tampa)
Le me start and END YOUR New Years Eve with a bang! I guarantee you'll pop LoL NYE SPECIALS $45 QV - 26
(New Port Richey, Pasco Co, Tampa)
🐝Be sure 2Put ur feet👣up⬆&Kick; it w/these 🏆Elite 💫🌟4of JuLy🌟💫 - 24
(Pinellas Co, Tampa, Ulmerton/ feathersound/ CLW)
MALE Models. $2000-$3,000 A day plus travel. NO ,No Webcam,Rare Opertunity - 55
(Tampa, Ny-LA-Travel-Yacht)
Wed 08 Jan
💋Xscape your stress with one of the BEST!💋 back in Brandon!!! - 27
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon/Tampa/Riverview)
Sweet..... thick.... and 100% REAL!!!! ♡♥♡♥ TODAY ONLY: $60 SPECIAL! ! ♡♥♡♥ - 23
(Hillsborough Co, tampa, florida)
SeXy BLoNdE** TiMe 2 ReLaX ** (100 CD'S HalF/Hr SpeCiaL-7AM-6PM * DAILY)** PiX r100% ReAL TER#139520 - 21
SEXY_____________ SUPER BUSTY ______ UNRUSHED ____ JUST ___ 4 _________ U __________ - 40
(Pinellas Co, st.petersburg)
*N£W* 2 GirL ShoW = $120 -*שaRam£l V$ ©o©Oa×*- BIG BOob13S & BOO÷Y!!!! 813-446-0998 INCALL - 22
(Hillsborough Co, TAMPA, BUSCH GARDENS,i275,USF,)
*** NEW *** GIRL *** ITALIAN BEAUTY *** Roleplay Fetishes *** ITALIA SKYE *** Hour Glass Figure - 23
(South Tampa***Incall//Outcall)
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ NEW ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ CURVY ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ BUSTY ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ BLONDE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ $50/$70 HOT SPECIALS!! - 18
(Pinellas Co, Clearwater/St Pete (Ulmerton & 34th))
LoOK* At* ThiS* sExY* BlOnDe:) WiTh A 30 Min incall Special, "CALL NOW" - 35
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa Airport/westshore)
I was born beautiful... *Independent Lady of Leisure Allure Modeling on DAYS! - 30
(Hillsborough Co, 107 N Armenia Ave-INcalls/Outcalls)
~GRAND OPENING ..incall only beautiful upscale staff 24/7~ - 24
(Pinellas Co, 36279 us 19/palmharbour)
BR()()K SuPer SeXxy private home SAFE Well Reviewed # 148384 :) - 22
(Hillsborough Co, USF AREA)
Brazilian/Philippian Goddess is here to Fulfill your Dreams -V.I.P SERVICE never looked Better - 18
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa, Westshore)
Backpage changed how we post only one Time a day avail all day new port - 41
(Pinellas Co, St Pete pinellas park)
Astonishing jaw dropping mouth watering classy italian.. - 24
(Pinellas Co, Ulmerton and 34th st n,)
$80 INCALL SPECIAL! MiAmIs BaDdEsT ExTrEmElY ExOtIc PaNaMaNiAN MiX FlAt StOmAcH & A BoTtOm To DiE 4! - 19
(Hillsborough Co, N. Westshore Blvd)
80 roses special/NO drama, great reviews, amazing body & attitude, loves to kiss - 26
(Hillsborough Co, wesley chaple and Fowler/I-275)
😍😍😘😍Try Something new! Cross dresser bottom. New Pics 813 624 9031😍😘😍😍😘 - 34
(Dale Mabry and Fletcher, Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
@/@/@/ Unique Stress Relief with a Hott talented BlonDe Relax & ENJOY/@/@/@ - 28
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa-Airport & surrounding areas)
U P S C A L E _____ LATINA _____ ASIAN ______ B O M B S H E L L - 21
(Hillsborough Co, WEST SHORE and i 275)
Upscale, classy, slim German companion for you - 100 Special - (Also Fetishes) - 39
(Pinellas Co, Downtown St. Petersburg)
█ ▇ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▆ ▇ █ SEXY*100% REAL BEAUTY █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▆ ▇ █ - - 24
(Pinellas Co, N st petersburg)
☆▓ •••💕 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ # ❶ SEXY EXØTiC ▓💕☆ BUST¥ LATiN💕 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ▓ ღ ☆•••►☆☆ . ▓ - 21
(Hillsborough Co,;)
Relax and unwind **ask about hump day spc** call KRYSTAL 813 965 4302 for you - 27
(Hillsborough Co, dale mabry and spruce street)
play with me and my girlfriend... Melody and Marissa... ;) 941-580-2329 ;) - 25
Imani Is Up And Ready To Play: ★ Wetshore Incall:: ALL DAY SPECIALS:) 100HH Today - 19
★ G O O D ★ GIRL ★ W i T H★ N A U G H T ¥ ★ HABITS ★Special - 24
(Hillsborough Co, My Place or Yours!)