Sat 11 Jan
Funsized Blonde Bombshell 100% real pics. Ask about my two girl special - 24
(All surrounding tampa bay areas, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Saturday Night/Sunday Morning Special with the Hottest Blonde on BackPage - Call Now I am Waiting!! - 23
(ALL of TAMPA BAY/Pinellas/Pasco)
Freaky Friday A*S*S Specials!!! (MISSY in Brandon, Valrico) - 26
(PRIVATE INCALL in Brandon,Valrico/OUTCAL)
dO U Think U Can Handle ME? *Mandy* S*Q*U*I*R*T*E* R Call U Won't REGRET (727) 565-3820 - 25
*** Very Open Minded Submissive Thick Girl with Nice Round Booty *** - 21
(Pinellas/Ulmertson/ALL OF TAMPA BAY)
DrEaM No MoRe~I'M ALL YoUr LoOkiN FoR*NaUgHtY, DeLiCiOuS &SwEet; To My CoRe - 26
(Incall Brandon/Outcall will travel)
*¨¨* DAZZLING *¨¨* *¨¨* CARAMEL *¨¨* *¨¨* BOMBSHELL *¨¨* *¨¨* - 22
(Hillsborough Co, AIRPORT / CASINO / DOWNTOWN)
Do *You *Want* It *N@UGHTY *Or *NICE? ~ALLEY&MANDY;~ IN/OUTCALL *For Only **200H** NEW PICS!! - 26
D*o*U*b*L*e T*r*O*u*B*l*E ****Getting into trouble has never been so much fun**** - 26
(Henando Co, Hudson)
SEXY NEW pic ♥ Cum and let me handle that st ♥ ck ! __ UP ALL NITE!! - 21
(Hillsborough Ave and Florida Ave TAMPA)
~~Don't let the weather freeze you up....Let Me Warm U and Take Away That Unwanted Stress~~Only 60 - 25
(Outcall Only!)
** Catch me Tonight ** Going out of Town for while ** Pregnant ((P)) is the Best ** Specials ** - 27
(Tampa Stadium Area Incall / Tampa Bay)
CARAMEL CUTIE ALEXIS!! ....Call me - * Cum Get What U Really Want 38DD 100HH / 140H SPECIAL Til 6pm - 19
(INCALL -- Only Visiting? Hot)
2 Ebony Cuties W/ Awesome Booties!! Wett Juicy Specials ☆.¸¸ Get What U Really Want - 19
(INCALL -- Outcall)
~ೋ♥ Carolina Beauty ♥ ೋ exotic dominican ೋNadia*Highly Reviewed Provider♥ ►TOP RATED◄•••• ♥ - 22
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa Airport area (in) outcall friendly)
⚠ Caution ⚠ Dangerous Curves ⚠ ߚ砢Ƭ✦ ★ T✪TAL ❌ߑkN✪CK✪ut ʢ✨堨Juicy Hot RedHead.! In and Out Specials.!! - 21
(Clearwater. Largo. St Petersburg. 275, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Chanel ~*♥*:❤:-•* Just The Most Fun, Real, & Sensual Time you EVER Had *•-:❤:*♥*~ Sinfully - 24
(Pinellas Co, Clearwater St Pete Available Now)
$$$Beyoncè is in Town $$$ The Black Brazilian Princess is Here $$$ Rain, Sleet, or Snow $$$ - 19
(Hillsborough Co, Where ever you want me to be)
BeautifuL BOmbsheLL waiting 4 your CALL right NOW .AVAIL 4 all OCCASIONS.ASK about my TASTY SPECIALS - 22
BEAUTIFUL EBONY Available or 2 Girl Show- Call Ahead for Appointment - 99
(Hillsborough Co, Incall/Tampa)
♛♥Best in Tampa!♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥DIFFERENT FROM REST ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ In&Outcall; SPECIALS!♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ HOT - 37
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
Beautiful PETITE and VERY hot FREAK!! ___ Up all nite! In and out ♥ GFE ♥ DOMINANT!!!! - 21
(tampa hillsborough ave in or out allnite)
Best ~ Session s * Eighty spec. Top past three yrs - 31
(Pinellas Co, Clearwater / Ulmerton/clwtr artprt)
Provocative A*S*S Play Thursday!!! (MISSY in Brandon) - 26
(PRIVATE INCALL in Brandon,Valrico/OUTCAL)
ANNEKE VAN BUREN * Returning to Tampa/Land O Lakes AUGUST 12-22. * NOW In Upstate NY/Albany. - 60
(Land O Lakes/Tampa Bay, Pasco Co, Tampa)
Arriving April 25th to May 2nd Sexy Snow Bunny Petite Busty Treat on the Beach from Canada - 37
ANNEKE * LAST DAY TO BE NAUGHTY* Mature, Elegant and Real * Land O Lakes/Tampa Bay - 60
(Land O Lakes/Tampa Bay, Pasco Co, Tampa)
&&*** EXOTIC Tasty , W..E..T & READY TO___ MELT ALL OVER YOU !!_..,.!! ) @@@ - 30
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
A WONDERFUL TIME With A BLONDE With A Special Talent Call Me A.S.A.P *IN/OTcall SPECIAL . - 23
*60/100 specials all day!! Lil bbw*Biggest boobI3z in tampa!! - 21
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa, fowler ave)
🔲🔲727*219*1026 🔲⬛️🔲 ▃▃ BEAUTIFUL TAN & BLONDE▃▃ 🔲⬛️🔲 ▃▃ MATURE UPSCALE COMPANION ▃▃ 🔲🔲 - 25
(Hillsborough Co, Outcall, Pasco Co, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
$60((HoT ))♥_= Specials = ( $100) =_♥_= W_H_I_L_E = ( U ) = C_A_N =_ ♥ $ $150,( Visting) - 21
(Hillsborough Co, Cypress/West shore)
♛ 100 ♥ FUN ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ ADDICTING ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ GORGEOUS ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ SEXY BODY ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ 100 ♛ - 36
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
%100 AcTuAL pIc's ! DD's!!!! ReAdY to MaKe Ur NiGht CoMpLEtE ! cLiCK hEre! - 24
(Outcalls ONly * No Incall's)
☞☞➏0 incall! ➏0 incall!☜☜ ☑INDEPENDENT ☑FLAT RATES ☑19YR old & dd boobs ☞☞💯outcall special!☜☜ - 19
(Hillsborough Co, i75 and bruce b downs-incall&outcall;)
♛100♛♥ OUTCALL ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ SPECIALS ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ ADDICTING ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ EROTIC ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ ♛100♛ - 36
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
100% real athletic HOTTIE _ YoUnG And SeXy *** GFE all exclusive *** new new NEW!! - 20
(Tampa. in & out ALL NITE)
100hh!! 😘😍NEW VIDEO PROOF!!! 📹🌺Come Play w/ a Hot brunette!! 💋👑You Deserve to SPOIL YOURSELF 🎀 - 25
(Hillsborough Co, IN AND OUT / Armenia & 275)
**~~ 100% All NATURAL True EXOTIC SPANISH Beauty ~~~** - 25
(Pinellas Co, Incall Tampa & Clearwater)
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed 💋 Upscale Service 👍👍👍 Miss Unique Pretty And Petite 👌👌👌OUTCALLS - 21
(Pinellas Co, tampa/brandon/clearwater/st.pete areas)
$ 100 incall special hot new playmate and every one"s favorite blonde mimi - 18
(dale maybry next to the stadium)
*#1 Guaranteed The Best!* ★ Natural EXOTiC EBONY ★ —————PRETTY FACE ————— ————— ★ Amazing CURVES!! - 23
(Pinellas Co, OUTCALLS ONLY 24/7 :)!!! AVAILABLE NOW)
$100 24/7 {JawDroPPInG}} {SUpER SExY CArIBbEAN FrEaK }$100 24/7 WoW Juiciest Booty Carmen - 21
Petite & Busty Alanna Ackerman Avail Today 7/12, 8pm - Midnight for Outcall & Incall in Clearwater!! - 29
(Pinellas Co, Ulmerton rd Clearwater)
Outcall's Only !!! No InCaLl'S gReat TuEsDaY sPeCiAl !!!! bRUNNETTE hOtTiE * - 24
(Outcalls Clearwater/Tampa/Etc)
*.*.*NEW PICS!...SaME ScANdaLoUSS KiTTy!!*.*.* PaRTyGrL!! Outcall Special - 27
(Pinellas Co, Pinellas/St Pete/Clearwater, Tampa)
New $nowBuNni 💋 Give Me That Becky💋 2 GirL $pecial$ ♡♡ GrEEn EyEd BLoNdE - Ju$t Vi$iTiNg - 24
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa Waters Dale Mabry Stadium)