Sat 04 Jan
***M A G I C .. M O N D A Y ** P R I V A T E .. R E S I D E N C E ... STARTING 10 AM - 39
(Pinellas Co, Largo/Ulmerton & The Beaches)
****M A J I C ,, M O N D A Y .... ***100.. ROSES repeat clients 80 rose special - 39
(Pinellas Co, Ulmerton / Largo and The Beaches)
Brittany the blazing intense💋Red head💋, 💯% guaranteed to leave you Galvanized! RED SPECIAL TIL 2 - 23
(Pinellas Co, Tampa, Ulmerton, Largo area)
*~~~*Arabic Cutie*~~~* 727-280-7576 (100% real) come n get me ; ) * specials * - 22
(Pinellas Co, largo/clearwater us19 and ulmerton area)
*** 4TH .. OF .. JULY .. S P E C I A L ** 100 ROSES - 39
(Pinellas Co, Largo/ulmerton & The Beaches)
Fri 03 Jan
Hottest thing in THE BAY AREA. 🌷Busty 34DD🌷 - 27
(Clearwater/Largo ulmerton n 58th st n, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Wed SPECIAL!! °*°SADIE is where its at!!°*° Call I can make it juicy for you - 28
(Pinellas Co, Clearwater/Largo - US 19/Ulmerton)
***W I L D .. W I L D .. W E D N E S D A Y **100..ROSES - 39
(Pinellas Co, Largo/Ulmerton & The Beaches)
SuNdAy FuN DaY!! **NEW PICS!!!** ♥SADIE♥!!! Come celebrate being YOU with me and feel like royalty! - 28
(Pinellas Co, Clearwater/Largo - US 19 & Ulmerton)
*SuNdAy FuN DaY!* NEW PICS! NOW Fetish Friendly!! ♥SADIE♥ Needs to be taught a lesson!! - 28
(Pinellas Co, Clearwater/Largo - US 19 & Ulmerton)
**S U N D A Y .. S N E A K .. A W A Y .. S P E C I A L** Private Residence...80 ROSES - 39
(Pinellas Co, Largo/Ulmerton & BEACHES private home)
Good Morning! °*°NEW PICS°*° Sadie turns Heads! AnD °*°NEW TO BP°*° Cee Cee stops traffic! - 28
(Pinellas Co, Tampa/St.Pete/Clw/Largo - 275/ULMERTON)
Good Morning EARLY BIRD'S! Wake Up To A Dose Of Anna&Sadie;! EarlyBird SPECIAL 2 GIRLS!! - 25
(Pinellas Co, LARGO - US 19 & Ulmerton)
click here unique new girl in town waiting to put a smile on ur face 7272530982 - 28
(Pinellas Co, largo clearwater off ulmerton)
All work and no play makes Angel sexually frustrated - 35
(Largo Ulmerton & Clearwater largo rd, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
New HOTTIE In Town*For Limited Time Only* WHO'S GOING TO BE MY 1ST?? - 28
(Pinellas Co, Ulmerton-Largo-Clearwater-St,pete)
M A G I C .. M O N D A Y... W E L C O M E ..B A C K ..S N O W .. B I R D S..100 roses - 39
(Pinellas Co, Ulmerton / Largo and The Beaches)
Have you seen my fat cat??? 🐱🐱 - 36
(Hillsborough Co, Largo Ulmerton and 66, Pasco Co, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
M Ø Ñ Ŕ Ó Ə 💙MUST SEE➓🌟8Ø💲➓🔥#1 Provider 📞100% REAL💥💎➓🌟🔥8O💲I N C A L L S💜 Bombshell🔥 - 22
(Clearwater airport,Largo,US 19,Ulmerton, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Thu 02 Jan
💋Experience My No G@g Talent 💋7276562107👍 - 30
(Largo Ulmerton rd Indian rocks rd, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
***W I C K E D .. W E D N E S D A Y ****100..ROSES. N E W .. P I C S - 39
(Pinellas Co, Largo/Ulmerton & The Beaches)
****W A C K Y .. W E D N E S D A Y ,,,**** 100 ROSES - 39
****W I L D .. W O N D E R F U L L.. W E D N E S D A Y ***100.. ROSES - 39
(Pinellas Co, Ulmerton / Largo and The Beaches)
***W I L D .. W I L D .. W E D N E S D A Y ** PRIVATE RESIDENCE 100 ROSES - 39
(Pinellas Co, Ulmerton / Largo and The Beaches)
VAn§§A 2012 *¨¨*-:¦:-* One in a MILLION.. Top notch.. Upscale Provider *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 20
(Pinellas Co, *Incall* Largo/Ulmerton Rd/close Tampa)
* * * S E X Y 👄 ... S A T U R D A Y 💗 .. D E L I T E 👅.. 80🌹 .. INCALLS * * * - 39
(Clearwater Largo Ulmerton Beaches, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
**S U P E R S T I T I O U S ..F R I D A Y .. S P E C I A L .** 100 ROSES - 39
(Pinellas Co, ulmerton/Largo, Indian Rocks)
*** S T R E S S F U L ... T U E S D A Y ?? INCALLS 100*** NEW NUMBER - 36
(Pinellas Co, largo/ ulmerton)
**S E X Y.. S E N S U A L .. S U N D A Y .**** 100 ROSES - 39
(Pinellas Co, Largo/Ulmerton & The Beaches)
GUESS WHO'S BACK?!?! Spend Sunday Fun Day with your favorite LaDiEs!! - 28
(Pinellas Co, Tampa/St.Pete/Clw/Largo - 275/ULMERTON)
END your DAY Strees Free with a 38dds blond and let me Melt your stress away!! - 32
(Largo/Clearwater/66th Street/Ulmerton, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
*~~~*Arabic Cutie*~~~* 727-280-7576 (100% real) come n get me ; ) * specials * - 22
(Pinellas Co, largo/clearwater us19 and ulmerton area)
▀ INCALL oooooooooo ▀ NEW IN TOWN ▀ oooooooooo UPSCALE ▀ - 30
(Pinellas Co, E Bay/US 19/66 ST/Ulmerton/Clwr-Largo)
💋 Instant Head Ache Relief!! De-Stress With the Best!! 💜 - 20
(Largo, Clearwater, Ulmerton Rd- Incall, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
$he's NOMINATED 2 Be A 5 ☆STAR☆ B¡T€h, Great Fun* & handles it better than Any1 CAN ♡Sad¡♡ - 26
(Pinellas Co, ulmerton & 66th Largo)