Thu 02 Jan
🍦🍧 One Οf A ΚιηD 🍦🍧ߠ№➊ Panamanian/Black•ߒՠSwEEt SSseexxy Nylah ★】[xߒո] 【👑CHOICE of a king❗👑 - 23
(dale mabry hwy area in/outcalls, Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
KiNkY EXoTiC PLaYMaTe ▬▬✦ >> 》》CLICK HERE《《 ✦▬▬ MoUThWaTeRiNg SkiLLs ▬▬✦JuIcY (◎人◎) ✦▬▬ TiGhT & SwEEt - 25
(Pinellas Co, St Pete-Tyrone, Tampa)
jessy,thur ,fri,,-80 hr hot rub down body slide and full stress relief 12am - 44
(Pinellas Co, clearwater gulf to bay by hooter)
🍒It's Holly Hot-Legs! Incall & Outcalls available now! LET'S PLAY! I have GREAT Reviews!💋 - 24
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa, Tampa Brandon incall Outcalls 247)
I am sexy, edgy, sassy, and ready to show you what this hot body is capable of...can you handle it?! - 22
(Hillsborough Co, Outcalls in Tampa Bay ...I come to you!!)
*** I got the best in the game, curvy/sexy satisfaction guaranteed - 24
(Hillsborough Co, east Tampa/ brandon)
HOTT PETITE Latina...... ready to see u WEDNITE specials ***80.00** 813-381-0621 - 24
(Waters and Florida Ave)
* * * * * H O L I D A Y ...S T R E S S? E S C A P E ..WITH ..M E ... INCALLS ....80 .. * * * - 39
Erotic, Exotic, Gorgeous, HOT Blonde READY for LATE NIGHT ACTION....CALL NOW - 24
(Hillsborough Co, Busch Fowler USF INCALL)
Come Let Jaz Give U A Relaxing Stress Relief Treat! Im Ready! 50 Incall Spcl til 9pm - 26
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon Mall area/State Rd 60 & 75)
Colombian 25 second time visiting Tampa !!!💋 - 25
(1200 North Westshore Boulevard Tampa FL, Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
COME and play with this phat AZZ!!!! i am your PLEASURE PARADISE! !!!!! 7865066066!!! - 36
(Hillsborough Co, tampa)
❧Come ❧Enjoy ❧Some ❧Sensual ❧Relaxation ❧ 24/7 ❧ - 35
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon - Tampa - UPSCALE LOCATION)
•blonde beauty looking to play and spoil★ •outcall and incall• ★ - 19
(Pinellas Co, pinellas/clearwater)
Blonde blues eyes 34dd 24 34 108 lbs You've see the rest now try the best-OutCall - 34
(Tampa/CLW/StPete Areas)
BLonDEs "Vs" BrUnEttES !! **75=15 Mins &125 H/HR Rate, ~~(300=HR SPECIAL 180)~~GIRLS RATED**SEXY - 21
💕 Better than 💋 her ⬇ and her ⬆ Finally something worth your while 160HR CLEARWATER TONIGHT - 27
(Pinellas Co, Outcall 160hr in Clearwater tonight only)
█ █ BEWARE => => BEWARE!!__ H E A D M A S T E R alert!! blonde, thick, beautiful - 20
(Tampa- INcall/OUTcall all nite!)
APPLE BOTTOM!!*}} — I__ ♥_____M___Y ______J___O___B —DOLL FACED ♥ ——— S3XY THICK GIRL BRandon - 21
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon Area/ I-75/Hwy 60)
(OUTCALL)*** SPECiAL**** pretty Clean iTALIAN & BLACK pik MEE - 18
(Hillsborough Co, ANYWHERE U WANT ME TO BE)
★NEW PICS😉💖 ULTIMATE (Ðґεαмℊїяl) 💖✦°❣ⓡeal💦[✔] #❶ Top Provider [✔] VERY ADDICTIVE & OUTCALL SPECIAL★☆ - 23
(Pinellas Co, saint Petersburg north 54th ave & 275)
New Girls In Town Yeah, we're HOT . . . But its our SKILLS that will keep you coming back! - 31
NEW new NEW -------> Booty on duty -----------> ( o ) ( o ) ---------> LoW RaTeS ------- - 23
MADONNA -Holloween Dress Up -Elite SEXY Model Type Available NOW! - 21
(Pinellas Co, Tampa by the Casino)
L@@K•Klassy KANDI• 2 girls!¡! Lexi • 125 local outcall special 813-679-1734 •36D - 30
(Pinellas Co, gulf to bay and us 19)
*@@* LOOK,, YOU CAN STOP SEARCHING !!!! , I'm GONNA ### All OVER U ,, !!!!!!!!!! - 20
(Hillsborough Co, tampa)
HOT Blonde With HUGE Tits, Loong Legs,& A PHAT Azz! **100/hr - TONITE ONLY!** How Can You Go Wrong? - 30
(Hillsborough Co, TPA airport/stadium-my house or yr hotel)
☼ HaWt TaNTriC FuN w/KaShMiR ☼ *~*♥80 KisSes♥ 813/506-8828 TaMpA /IN - 34
~Experience The Gift That Keeps On Giving~Available Right Now!!! - 22
(Hillsborough Co, Hillsborough Co. Tampa)
**ExcLuSivE ** PeTiTe & FuN.. lil lAdAy come see !! lImiTeD time** - 21
(Hillsborough Co, Hillsburough Tampa)
Special **** Special **** Special **** $125 SPECIAL Tampa InCall Temple Terace*** - 25
(Temple Terrace)
Come Let Jaz Give U A Little Dose of Stress Relief! 50/70 Incall Spcl until 10pm - 26
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon state rd 60 an 75 area (Incall))
Come And Relax With A Sexy Hot Blonde Running Hot 60 & 100 Hot Tuesday Specials - 24
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
*ClASSY*Not *Trashy* Perky * Blonde~ PLAYMATE** MANDY *S*Q*I*R*TE* R*New pics** (727)565-3820 *150* - 25
(Pinellas Co, TAMPA*NEW PAMPA* PASCO *W.CHAPEL pinella)
❤ _____________ ❤ Better Than A Drink!! :) ❤ ____________ ❤ (100) - 43
(Pinellas Co, Private Home Dunedin, "IN CALL ONLY!!!!")
*¨*:¦: A __ V__ A __ I __ L __ A __ B __ L __ E _ _ _ N __O __W - :¦:*¨¨* 813 *408 * 0846 - 22
((813) 4O8-O846)
$80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 - 22
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa/Brandon/Clearwater (Incall/outcall)
NEW BOOTY IN TOWN "NYC Finest Model & Big Booty Fre@k in Town 352-231-9709 - 23
(Hillsborough Co, Incalls/Outcalls/Tampa)
LeT mE * CâAâTâEâR +_2+* YâOâU+R_ * E-V-E-R-Y*_ N-E-E-D_ + SpEcIaLS +80! - 21
(Pinellas Co, gandy/4th street/ st.pete/prvt.apt)
L~ {❤}~ {❤}~K N~{❤} M ~ {❤} ~ R ~ E! - 19
(Tampa, pinellas park/ 49th street)
LAST CHANCE 120-175 roses Hot Hot Hot Sexy 'Lil Blond Spinner...with 32DD's - - 34
(springhill thru lakeland)
(F)_(O)_(R) __ (P) _ (L) _ (E) _ (A) _ (S) _ (U) _ (R) _ (E) ____ ===> _ ( CLICK_HERE )$70 spc - 21
(Hillsborough Co, westshore-Airport)
💋💋 Available Now 💋💋 Text Only ☎(727) 315-3181 ☎👈 BBS & RAW AVAILABLE - 22
(Clearwater, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
@@BEAUTiFUL & PeTiTE & OnE OF A KiNd SexY G0DDESS@@ Outs/In - 20
(Tampa & Surrounding Areas(Outcalls & In))
60 Short StaY ♛♛[☆THE ☆PERFECT ☆TREAT☆ ] ♛♛[☆] DeLiCiOus [☆][☆] ♛♛ [☆][☆] SwEet & PeTitE [☆]♛♛ - 21
(Hillsborough Co, McDill AFB/S.DaleMabry/Gandy Area Incall)