Mon 27 Jan
Gorgeous * Chaelle ! ** I'm Available today 3pm-2am ! !! ** LARGO / CLEARWATER - 25
(Pinellas Co, LARGO/CLEARWATER ** 3pm-2am)
**** Gorgeous Colombian Mixed beauty visiting Tampa**** Super 100 Roses Special *** - 23
(Tampa .E Fowler Near Busch Gardens)
Good Morning - *M* (Grown & Sexy) *I* ( . )( . ) *L* (Sweet & Sentual) *F* (Plenty Azzets) - 45
(Pinellas Co, Clearwater * Tampa * St.Pete)
GeT ReADy 2 MeLT** (120.. 200hr SPECIAL)~$$ ~ RaTeD HoT~ N ~ReADY!!!!!! - 22
Gorgeous Playmates ** Real pics ** available to play NOW ! walk-in's 727-744-9189 - 69
(ulmerton / I-275 frm tampa)
*•❤•* Fun Loving Florida Girl At Your Service~ Sweet Discreet Freak *•❤•* - 27
(Pasco Co, Holiday - Private home- Near Bare Assets)
💋 Gorgeous Exotic Beauty! 💋 New 💞 Let me help you relax! 💋 - 28
(Hillsborough Co, Airport/ Carrollwood/ Soho/ New Tampa)
*•❤•* Fun Loving Florida Girl At Your Service~ Sweet Discreet Freak *•❤•* - 27
(Pasco Co, Holiday - Private home- Near Bare Assets)
gorgeous brunette running Wednesday specials incalls/outcalls - 22
(Pinellas Co, pinellas park / st. pete)
!!!#Girl next door Blonde##### sexy sensual sweet !!!!! - 22
(Hillsborough Co, south Tampa , incall only private apartm)
Girls for Private, Up-scale FUN! 😉 💯% Real Pics 813-933-4411 Open till 2AM Now Hiring! - 25
(Hillsborough Co, 1053 West Busch Blvd Tampa FL 33612)
🔥Girls🔥🚨$30 for 30 min🚨private modeling 813-933-4411 Open 24hrs - 23
(1053 West Busch Blvd Tampa, Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
Freakday Sunday Funday Through Monday * With The Sexiest BBW Around These Parts! - 44
(Pinellas Co, pinellas park)
FLIRTY & Fun ♡ SeXy & Sassy ♡ SenSuAL & VERY OPeN Minded ♡ BuSTy BbW // 40DDDs - 27
(New Port Richey- Private Incall, Pasco Co, Tampa)
__________ FLAWLESS ____________ SEXY _____________ 5STAR _____________ PLAYMATE __________ - 20
(Tampa, 275/54th ave north Pinellas Park)
**** F A N T A S Y ..., F R I D A Y ... ***** 2- 4- 1 INCALL SPECIAL ..140 - 38
(Tampa, Indian Rocks/ Largo area)
**F A N T A S Y .. F R I D A Y** PRIVATE .. RESIDENCE... 100 ROSES - 39
(Pinellas Co, Largo/Ulmerton & The Beaches)
* * * *F R E A K Y ... F R I D A Y .... 80 ..INCALLS * * * * * - 38
(Pasco Co, West Pasco- Port Richey, NPR)
______!!!! Extremely Beautiful High Class Puerto Rican Princess 100% Real Pics______@!@!@ - 21
(Pinellas Co, clearwater palm harbor and pasco county)
**F R I D A Y.. A F T E R N O O N .. D E L I G H T .. S P E C I A L!!!!!!!!!! - 39
(Pinellas Co, Largo/Indian Rocks Beach area)
ExXxotic *REVIEWED!! NaUgHtY °o♥o° TeMpTaTiOn UpScALe Ebony Puerto Rican GFE - 21
(INCALL hotel right off 275 ulmerton exit)
(FLaWL€Ss)! ★ (ADD¡Ct¡VV€ )°•★ ( bIg BoOtY CuT¡€) LET-:¦:- ME BE YOUR$-:¦: 50 50 50 - 22
(Hillsborough Co, discreet private location)
Fetishes Done Like NO Other! I'm The Best, Need I Say More? Great Reviews Don't Lie! T3R Id #148394 - 46
(Hillsborough Co, Stadium/Airport/Intern. Mall MY HOME, Tampa)
FanTaSiES $$ReALLy $$ Do CoMe TruE (80 -150hr DAiLY SPEcIAL) $$ InCaLL - 22
**F R E A C K Y .. F R I D A Y *** .. INCALL... S P E C I A L .. 100 ..ROSES.. **** - 39
(Pinellas Co, Largo/Indian Rocks Beach area)
F R E A K Y ..F R I D A Y .. ... ..2 ..4.. 1.. INCALL ....SPECIAL ...140 - 39
***** ***** F R E A K Y ... F R I D A Y... S P E C I A L ... 100 ...TODAY****** ***** - 37
****F A N T A S Y .. F R I D A Y ..A F T E R N O O N ...100 ROSES :) 80 REPEAT CLIENTS - 39
(Pinellas Co, Largo/Ulmerton & The Beaches)
♥ EXTRA BUSTY ♥ ________________ ♥ DREAM'S ♥ _________♥ DO ♥_________♥ COME ♥________♥ TRUE ♥ ______ - 38
(Pinellas Co, stpete / independent)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* Flat Rate SPECIALS ~ Sweet and SEXY girl that can melt stress away ~ *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 23
(W. Hillsborough ~*~ S. Tampa)
🚨Flat Rates 200 🚨 private one on one fun. Open till 12am 813-933-4411 - 30
(1053 West Busch Blvd Tampa FL 33612, Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
{{{{ {{{ {{{ ^ Flexible ^ Red-Headed ^ Hottie ^ }}}} }}} }}} - 26
(Pasco Co, Private Relaxing Home INCALL in Holiday)
*** F R E A K ... O U T ... T O D A Y...2 - 4 - 1 ..INCALLS 150*** NEW NUMBER - 36
(Pinellas Co, largo/ ulmerton)
* * * F R E A K Y ...F R I D A Y ... 2-4-1 ... Special ... 160.. INCALLS .. . 80 * * * * * * - 38
(Pinellas Co, LARGO, SEMINOLE & Beaches)
* * * * * ***** F R E A K Y ...F R I D A Y .... S P E C I AL ...INCALLS 80....** * * * * - 37
(Pinellas Co, clearwater area)
******* F A N T A S T I C A L L Y ... F U N ...S A T U R D A Y... 80.. INCALLS ....ALL DAY ****** - 37
(Pinellas Co, Clearwater /beach area)
*****F I R E.. F R I D A Y ..Lets .. light.. a.. match .100 .ROSES. OR..2~4~1..150 ..ROSES ..INCALL. - 39
(Pinellas Co, LARGO//ULMERTON)
💎💎 First Class BEAUTY 💎💎 SeXy & Sophisticated 💎💎 V.I.P Treatment 💎💎 THE REAL Deal 💎💎 - 22
(Hillsborough Co, casino, 301, tampa, brandon)
# FiRsT ViSiT To FlOrIdA ........ HoT ViDeO ViXeN ....... ReAl PiCs ........ HoT SpEcIaLs - 22
Flat Rate 160🔥Nicki, Alexa Available Now! 🚨VIP Experience🚨813-933-4411 - 23
(1053 west Busch blvd tampa, Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
* * * * F R E A K Y ... F R I D A Y ...2- 4- 1 ... INCALLS..160 .. today* * * * * * - 38
(Pinellas Co, INDIAN ROCKS & Beaches)
*💜💦* ExXoTiC * 🍓 * SWeEt & SeDuCtiVe *💜💦* VeRy PetTiTe* {{{iNCaLL}}} *🍒* AvAiLaBlE NoW *💋💦🍒 - 23
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa, USF, surrounding areas)
* * * * 💜 F U N ..F U N .. T H U R S D A Y .. 80 🌹 * - 39
(Largo & Beaches/ Ulmerton/Seminole, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
******* F R E A K Y ... F R I D A Y ....2-4-1 .... Special ....160 . Incalls ***** - 37
ExXxotic *REVIEWED!! NaUgHtY °o♥o° TeMpTaTiOn UpScALe Ebony Puerto Rican GFE ☆ - 21
(Incall - Ulmerton)
°°*☆ ( =F_L_¡_R_T_y= __ ★__ =_X_o_T_¡_© = __ ★__ = B__a_U_T_y ) ☆*°° - 32
(Pinellas Co, St. Petersburg)
****F A N T A S E Y ...F R I D A Y *** I Have 2 specials today - 39
(Pinellas Co, Largo/Ulmerton & The Beaches)
** Extremely slim, pretty, European hottie *** private and un-rushed (Special...100) ** - 39
(Pinellas Co, Downtown St. Petersburg)
EXTREMLY BUSTY BLONDE all natural)Sexy Figure 8 Beauty,Choose the Best Beauty Stress Releif Incall - 30
(Hernando Co, HUDSON only!!!!, Pasco Co, Tampa)
experienced newbie - open minded, down to earth and tons of fun! 😉 looking for good company! - 25
(Pinellas Co, 4th st. north - near gateway mall)
EXOTIC~ ~ erotic ~ ~EUROPEAN . 1~ 0~ 0~ KISS~ ~ SPECIAL~ ~ - 29
** EXCLUSIVE Upscale Ebony Mix ** All Natural 34DD ** Hot Body ** - 24
(Pinellas Co, Incall near St.Pete/Clearwater)
- - - - - - - - * * * * * EXcElLENT ASiAN/CUban INdEPEnDEnT * * * * * - - - - - - - - 22
Fetishes Done Like NO Other! Bend over and let me take over! T3R GREAT REVIEWS DO NOT LIE! Barb - 46
(Hillsborough Co, Stadium/Airport/Intern. Mall MY HOME, Tampa)
FanTaSiES $$ReALLy $$ Do CoMe TruE (100 DAiLY SPEcIAL) $$ InCaLL - 22
* * * * ❤ F R E A K Y ... F U N ... 💞 . . F R I D A Y ... 80 🌹 .. INCALLS 💋 * * * . - 39
***F A N T A S Y .. F R I D A Y*** 100rose PRIVATE RESIDENCE - 39
(Pinellas Co, Ulmerton / Largo and The Beaches)
EXTREMLY BUSTY BLONDE! 813-812-5612 100% Stress relief,READY NOW! Choose The Best! Sexy4U - 30
(Hernando Co, HUDSON only!!!!, Pasco Co, Tampa)
EXOTIC Ebony/Puerto Rican BEAUTY JUST 4 U! Outcall Only! - 28
(HILLSborough and Surrounding Areas, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa)
~~°* eXOtic ~°*«fLExIBle ~*°~ adDICtive ~°* FUn ~*°» fIrM ~*°~* TYte ~*°~« pErKy ~~«° - 28
(Pinellas Co, st pete/Clearwater)
EXOTIC BLONDE BEAUTY Fun, Sexy, Great Body, Talented, Blue eyes - 23 - 23
(Pinellas Co, palm harbor, florida)
*•❤•* Fetish Friendly Hour 250 roses ❀ Sexy Playful Open-Minded ❀ Sweet Discreet Freak *•❤•* - 27
(Pasco Co, US 19 & ALT 19 Area close to BARE_ASSETS)
FANTASIES? ROLE PLAYING? SENSUOUS FUN? Call Me! Special Rates for Fall!!! - 47
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa, FL)