Today ONLY!!! -- ONLY $100 COMPLETE Before 6pm! . - 31

Posted : Wednesday, January 08, 2025 07:21 PM | 2 views

I am a long lean tan VERY busty blonde, friendly and outgoing, up for almost anything, and ALWAYS looking for a good time. If you are a generous gentleman looking to spend some time with a pretty lady who is drug, smoke, alcohol, and most of all DRAMA FREE, you should give me a call. I offer the best "service" around, and your satisfaction is ALWAYS guaranteed. For more pictures as well as EXPLICIT details of all the services I provide, be sure to check out my website karin-of-tampaDOTcom. To make an appt, simply give me a call-- I 'm ready when you are! BTW--These are my newest pictures, because I think its only fair that before you spend your hard earned money, you get to see what you're speanding it on! CALL ME!(823)562-0674 SEE ME! Karin-of-TampaDOTcom FOLLOW ME! tampa escortd,tampascorts,tranny escorts long island,rscorts tampa,fl escorts,atlanta tranny escorts,tampa female escorts,tsescortsraleigh,ts listcrawler tampa,tampa.eacorts
  • Post ID : 4853324
  • Poster's age : 21
  • City : Tampa
  • Address : Hillsborough Co, Tampa--incall/outcall