Mon 27 Jan
9am 1am get it all all week 50 hh or 80hr 3 in1 0il rub full girl friend style sexy rub ,body slide - 45
(Tampa, US 19 Palm Harbor)
Are You Coming To TAMPA? You Should Be!. TAMPA ONLY. Great Reviews! Incall, NO OUTCALLS! - 46
(Fort Myers, My Upscale Discreet Gated Home, Sarasota, Tampa)
1OO% rεaℓ pics! ♥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ upscαℓε ♥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ßlonde♥ ßεαuty ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♥ αvαiℓabℓε! ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♥#1 pℓαγmαtε - 40
(Tampa, stpete)
A WOMANS Touch Rub Down ** No Oil * Sensuous * Exotic Beauty * 2 Locations * WALK INS Welcomed - 40
(Tampa, Tampa / Brandon)
100 SPECIAL! Massage by CLASSY,TOPLESS,DD,SEXY BLONDE at South Tampa residence 24/7 - 35
(Tampa, south tampa, westshore, downtown tampa,a)
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
♥♥♥♥ ☺☺☺☺ I'm Back!! Magical MUTUAL Full SATISFACTION ☺☺☺ **SPECIAL** ♥♥♥♥ - 35
(Tampa, Pinellas / Alt 19)
The Best Massage in the Universe! Hyde Park In-call with Therapist Joy. Evenings Only. - 29
(Tampa, Tampa Downtown)
~Sensual RELAXATION Specialist~ When Life RUBS You WRONG... Sara Will RUB You RIGHT!!! - 28
Best Natural DD's in town! Incall/Outcall/24/7/South Tampa - 35
(Tampa, south tampa, westshore, downtown tampa,)
Sat 11 Jan
*Relaxation Specialist* Treat yourself to the Ultimate Body Rub Experience *Sexy Miss Britney* - 35
(Tampa, Largo private incall)
Summer time Barbie. Private Residence 150 Roses Hr. - 43
A WOMANS Touch Rub Down ** No Oil * Sensuous * Exotic Beauty * 2 Locations * WALK INS Welcomed - 40
(Tampa, Tampa / Brandon)
Happy Happy Joy Joy! Blonde Hair Big Boobs. Fetish Friendly. Oh Joy! T.3.R #148394 Low Vol. My Home - 46
(Tampa, Tia/R.J.Stadium/Internat. Mall/ MY HOME)
Come C Jaz to Relax and Take a L.o.a.d off! Reviewed & Recommended! 60 sessions til midnite! - 26
(Tampa, Brandon Mall area)
Fri 10 Jan
*~*~*Let ME Stimulate YOUR Body & RELIEVE Your STRESS With My SENSUAL Touch*~*~* - 27
⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️🙈DOUBLE TROUBLE 🙈⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️**** WHICH AD IS THIS, before calling**** - 27
*~*~*Let ME Stimulate YOUR Body & RELIEVE Your STRESS With My SENSUAL Touch*~*~* - 27
*~JOY~* Currently Available in Tampa Bay!!!! Best Massage in the Universe!!!!! ONE WEEK ONLY!!! - 27
(St Petersburg)
Holiday Special! Body rub by TOPLESS,DD,SEXY BLONDE at Dalemabry/Kennedy house 24/7 incall/outcall - 35
(Tampa, south tampa, westshore, downtown tampa,a)
Thu 09 Jan
* * * EXPERIENCE Complete SENSUAL Satisfying RELAXATION & Ultimate STRESS-RELIEF * * * - 27
(Tampa Bay/Brandon)
* * * Let ME Rub U The RIGHT WAY * * *Experience SENSUAL RELAXation With SATISFYING Rubdown * * * - 27
(Tampa Bay/Brandon)
Hot Housewife***** The Naughty Neighbor You Dream About******* - 45
(Tampa, St.Pete/ Pasadena Area / Incall)
Wed 08 Jan
MONDAY SPECIAL! Massage by CLASSY,TOPLESS,DD,SEXY BLONDE at South Tampa residence 24/7 - 35
(Tampa, south tampa, westshore, downtown tampa,a)
{{{{{{{ Sexie ** Lexie** has** the** best** hands** in** town** $110 all week ]}]]]]] - 25
(Tampa, Anywhere)
(¯`★´¯) -* Need some Relaxation? (¯`★´¯) -* Brand New Photos! - 26
(Tampa, New Port Richey / incall/ Pasco)
Making U Feel Good Makes ME Feel Good! Leave Satisfied & FULLY RELAXED! NO Rush FULL Body Rubdown! - 28
* * * Let ME Rub U The RIGHT WAY * * *Experience SENSUAL RELAXation With SATISFYING Rubdown * * * - 27
(Tampa Bay/Brandon)
100 SPECIAL TODAY ONLY! Natural DD's, blonde Dalmabry /Kennedy/incall/outcall - 35
(Tampa, tampa, westshore,south tampa,downtown,)
100 SPECIAL! Massage by CLASSY,TOPLESS,DD,SEXY BLONDE at South Tampa residence 24/7 - 35
(Tampa, south tampa, westshore, downtown tampa,a)
The RELIEF You NEED Is My ONLY Concern! Exactly What You NEED For FULL Body Sensual RELAXATION! - 28
Sizzling & HOT! TOPLESS natural DD's, blonde Dalmabry/Kennedy Mon.-Fri.10am. -11 pm/incall/outcall - 35
(Tampa, tampa, westshore,south tampa,downtown,)
Tue 07 Jan
The RELIEF You NEED Is My ONLY Concern! Exactly What You NEED For FULL Body Sensual RELAXATION! - 28
FUN & sensual body rub AMERICAN & INDEPENDENT $100/HR Available NoW til MidNite! ReLaX and SMILE - 26
(Tampa, INCALL OR OUT! westshore blvd upscale)
Making U Feel Good Makes ME Feel Good! Leave Satisfied & FULLY RELAXED! NO Rush FULL Body Rubdown! - 28
MONDAY SPECIAL! Massage by CLASSY,TOPLESS,DD,SEXY BLONDE at South Tampa residence 24/7 - 35
(Tampa, south tampa, westshore, downtown tampa,a)
Todays Special! Sizzling & HOT! TOPLESS natural DD's, blonde Dalmabry/Kennedy 24/7/incall/outcall - 35
(Tampa, tampa, westshore,south tampa,downtown,)
Mon 06 Jan
🚨🚨💋 BUSTY and BLONDE, JENNA is here and wants your?????8132829698💋🚨🚨 - 30
(Tampa, 4345 W. Kennedy Blvd.)
Todays Special! Sizzling & HOT! TOPLESS natural DD's, blonde Dalmabry/Kennedy 24/7/incall/outcall - 35
(Tampa, tampa, westshore,south tampa,downtown,)
EVENiNG M_A_S_S_A_G_E w/a TwiST ✈80/HH✿100/HR $SPe☪iaLs$✈5 MiNS From TAMPA AiRPORT✈! - 50
⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️🙈DOUBLE TROUBLE 🙈⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️⭐️️**** WHICH AD IS THIS, before calling**** - 27
~Sensual RELAXATION Specialist~ When Life RUBS You WRONG... Sara Will RUB You RIGHT!!! - 28
Are You Coming To TAMPA? You Should Be!. TAMPA ONLY. Great Reviews! Incall, NO OUTCALLS! - 46
(Fort Myers, My Upscale Discreet Gated Home, Sarasota, Tampa)
Sun 05 Jan
* * * EXPERIENCE Complete SENSUAL Satisfying RELAXATION & Ultimate STRESS-RELIEF * * * - 27
(Tampa Bay/Brandon)
Sat 04 Jan