Sun 12 Jan
IT'S Sinful Sunday...Come be 1 of the reasons Allie starts sweating when she goes 2 church.$75 Amen - 31
(Tampa, TAMPA/BRANDON but will go whereu are..)
Fri 10 Jan
Dont let MONDAY'S PRESSURES leave yowith a case of the TUESDAY BLUES come see Allie she'll relieve - 31
(Tampa, TAMPA/BRANDON but will go whereu are..)
Thu 09 Jan
Why should HUmPDAY hav all the fun? SEE ME for ur piece of midweek action incall 80.00 - 31
(Tampa, TAMPA/BRANDON but will go whereu are..)
Wed 08 Jan
SATURATING SATURDAY. .SLIDE on In an See y W€TT€R is Better Ill show u Y they call me W€TW€T cal now - 31
(Tampa, TAMPA/BRANDON but will go whereu are..)
Tue 07 Jan
Why should HUmPDAY hav all the fun? SEE ME for ur piece of midweek action incall 80.00 - 31
(Tampa, TAMPA/BRANDON but will go whereu are..)
Sun 05 Jan
SATURATING SATURDAY. .SLIDE on In an See y W€TT€R is Better Ill show u Y they call me W€TW€T cal now - 31
(Tampa, TAMPA/BRANDON but will go whereu are..)
IT'S Sinful Sunday...Come be 1 of the reasons Allie starts sweating when she goes 2 church.$75 Amen - 31
(Tampa, TAMPA/BRANDON but will go whereu are..)
Fri 03 Jan