Fri 03 Jan
_-~** Let Me Bring Relaxation & Fun to U!! (*NEW PICS*)♥ **~-_ - 28
(Tampa, Tampa * Brandon * Apollo **Outcall**)
Hott BLONDE!! Destiney!! Very fetish friendly!! I'm ready NOW!!! 8132514884 $150 Lunch Special Now! - 22
(Tampa, Tampa *New Location* Armenia & Kennedy)
jessy- -you get it all together oil rub,body slide,full stress relief 12am - 44
(Tampa, clearwater-gulf to bay)
ITS MY BIRTHDAY, BUT YOU GET THE GIFT! $100 flat rate specials today n tomorrow -- Don't Miss Out!!
~ * KooL OfF w/a HaWt TanTric ToUcH w/KashMir* ~ ♥100 KisSes♥ 813/506-8828 TaMpA /In - 34
I'M THE GIRL THE OTHER GIRLS WISH THEY WERE! .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
(Tampa--your place or mine!)
Hot Sexy Petite Busty Redhead-..... Discreet InCall US19 area St Pete..summer Special's
(St Petersburg)
*** HOT SIZZLING SPECIALS *** TONIGHT *** F.T. Donna, Eleshia .. T.G. Mia, Lexi 3PM - 9PM - 28
(Tampa, St. Petersburg)
jessy back 0n fri,sat,sun,mon bodyslideand gfe together 100 hr 9-9 - 43
(275north/on ulmerton /clearwater)
indenpendent sweet jjessy vip full 80 hr only this week 3 in 1 body slide rub,_ 80 - 48
(Tampa, US 19 palm harbor Pinellas county)
IF THE PICS AIN'T ME, YOUR SESSION IS FREE! .... ...... ......... ......... ........ ..... - 813
(TAMPA__ convenient to EVERYWHERE!!!)
If You've Got What I Want, I've Got What You Need!!! OLDER GUYS ARE THE STUFF--YUMMM! =) - 30
(Tampa, You decide! Your place or mine? (Tampa))
♥ HOT, SEXY Sweethearts ~ MILA, ALLISA & MIA ◆ TODAY @ THE RITZ STUDIO 4pm To 10pm ♥ 813 965 3977 - 99
(Clearwater, Largo, & Tampa. 2 loc, Tampa)
jessy sexy body slider and stress reliefer girl friend style rubs-80 hr flat 12am - 45
(Tampa, clearwater-on gulf to bay-by hooters)
I LOVE OLDER MEN!!! (Click Here For Tampa's BEST Daily Specials!) - 30
(Tampa, out & incalls- Downtown/Airport/Stadium)
Intense Body Treatments... Happy Hour Today 4 til 8. Discount on all Services. - 35
(Tampa, 5th ave n and 41st S. St.Pete)
bad ,bad jessy brown fun size body slider/stress reliefer,get it all 80hr 50hh 3 in 1 9am tel 11pm - 45
(Tampa, clearwater/st pete airport)
💦#A💓TinGLinG TANTRiCƸ̴Ӂ̴ƷTOuCH TUeSsDaY $PeCiAL🌹s 💰80/HR 💋💦M_A_S_S_A_G_E👐w/a TWiST ✈TiA✈🏄🌴 - 50
**💖* Beautiful Blonde ** Massage ** International Plaza/ N Westshore * Airport * - 39
(International Plaza Westshore New Tampa, Tampa)
Become more Revived And Energized! They can Imitate but not duplicate. - 24
(Tampa, 100 for a complete 30minute.Mimi &Angie;)
Boobs N More With Hottie SARAH STARR !!!!! Gotta see to appreciate !!! - 27
(Tampa, 10387 Gandy Blvd Suite 110 St.Pete)
Back by Popular Demand. Mindy. Guaranteed Great Massage!
(Fort Myers, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa, OutCall)
♥ AVA RAE..♥ PALM HARBOR.♥Hott Specials.727 786 1144 REAL PICS.NEW ●●♥♥
(Tampa, 36279 u.s.19 N.palm harbor fl.34684)
All Week Special fun body slider/stress reliefer,get it 60hh 80hr 3 in 1 - 45
(Tampa, clearwater/st pete airport)
Asian Beauty 34, Classy, Erotic, and Beautiful!!! Outcall Only! *Upscale Homes/Hotels* 100% Real Photos - 34
(Tampa, surrounding areas)
Ask about today lunch specials, for you to relax, with a Sensual Full body R, Body 2 Body Shower - 36
(st pete clearwater tampa)
bad ,bad jessy brown Girl friend happy rub sexy slide get it all 80 hr ...9 to 2am - 45
(Tampa, clearwater/st pete airport)
Bay Areas Finest is Now Offering a New 1 Hour Special .. We Will Match All Competitors Prices!! - 99
(Tampa, Bay Area)
❤ ACTIVATE Your Supreme SEXUAL MAGNETISM ❤ Redefine Yourself With EPIC EASERN Healing ARTS ❤ - 99
(Fort Myers, Lakeland, Sarasota, St. Petersburg, Tampa)
(Tampa, Clearwater , (727)571-3580)
Amazing Beauty !!!! Exotic Blonde " SARAH STARR" !! ☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥ - 28
(14220 66th St N @ TLC Clearwater, Tampa)
♥★Available NOW! Sexy College Girl Princess ♥★ My Sugar doesn't get any sweeter than this - 22
(Tampa, St.Petersburg)
Be pampered by a Swedish Busty tanned blonde *) SPECIALS 100 - 38
(Tampa, Ulmerton/275 bridge/feathersound/gandy)
ATTENTION NEW!!!! 2 girls 4 hands or 1 girl great rate!!!! CALL NOW!!! FEAtHERSOUND - 26
(St Pete/Clearwater/Feathersound)
*-*-* ALL-IN-ONE Customized FULL BODY Rub* ULTRA Sensual Sessions Available*-*-* - 28
(Tampa, Tampa In/Out)
♥♥♥-80//100- Be pampered by a swedish busty blonde :)♥♥♥♥ - 38
(Tampa, 275/gandy/Ulmerton/priv condo/airports)
✿ A_L_O_H_A ✿ B_R_i_*s B_☯_D_Y R_U_B_S✈ ☁Ϟ☔ RaiN ☼r SHiNe ☁Ϟ☔ $SPeCiaLs$ 5 MINS/TAMPA AIRPORT! - 50
Alone on Thanksgiving??~~TH E ♡ ♥ ♡ B E S T ♡ ♥ ♡ I S ♡ ♥ ♡ H E R E! ♡ ♥ ♡ ~~Come Spend an Hour w Me - 37
(St.Pete Area Private Residence, Tampa)
bad ,bad jessy brown fun size body slider/stress reliefer,get it all-80 flat 3 in 1 - 45
(Tampa, Pinellas Co, clearwater-gulf to bay-by)
Another New Beautiful Face At Your Favorite Relaxation Centers .. Melissa! - 24
(Tampa, Pinellas County)