Mon 27 Jan
*¨¨*-:¦:-* One in a MILLION.. Top notch Brunette Bunny.. Upscale Provider *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 23
(Pasco Co, In/Out **Pasco/TarponSprings/Holiday**)
*°¤OMG, B3K¥ LOOK @+ #R BU++!¡!*°¤ [60 60 60] °APPLE BOTTOM° INCALL 24/7*°¤ - 22
(Hillsborough Co, TAMPA,USF)
❥ 〓 [[NONE]] 〓 [[CAN]] 〓 [[COMPARE]] 〓 ❥☆•♥ G Ø R G € Ø U S ASiAN♥•☆ - 20
(Hillsborough Co, OUT CALLS ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
[. .] °O°~- [. This.] -~°O° [.Sweet.] °O°~- [. Sexy .] °O° [. Brunette .] °O° [.Treat .] - 22
(Tampa, In/Out **W.Pasco/TarponSprings/Holiday**)
[.NEW .] °O°~- [. PICS!!!.] -~°O° [.Sensual.] °O°~- [. Sexy.] °O° [. Brunette .] °O° [.Treat .] - 23
(Pasco Co, Incall/OUTCALL ***Brandon***)
====♥==== ==== NEW PICS! Busty Brunette... Reviewed... Super nice ==== ====♥==== - 22
(Tampa, In/Out **WestPasco/PortRichey/Holiday**)
NEW L@+1n@ - Aly$sA - UP @LL NiG#+ *UpScAlE GENTS ONLY* M$ DoMiNiCaN RePuBliC - 941 -623 8115 - 22
(Hillsborough Co, TAMPA,USF,BUSCH GARDENS,I-275,)
(( NEW 💋 FLawless Barbie Blonde Baby!😘 _$100 incall special __ BEAUTIFUL 😘 SeNsUaL & SeDuCtiVe COLLE - 23
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa,Westshore,USF AREA!)
💘MuFFiN $oooo⭐ GooD make you see the St⭐IRwELL to He@vEN..💥 70 SPL - 21
(Hillsborough Co, N. Dale Mabry Hwy Stadium/Outcall Spls)
Miss Red I'm All About Fun❤ Who's Down With Me Call Now813-735-4654 In Call's Only❤ - 23
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon Fl 301)
*✰ ** {MORE} * ☆ ** {NOOKIE} **★ {4} *{ UR} ☆ ** {COOKIES} ✰ - 22
LOOKING fOr 100% GeNtLeMaN FoR A 100% SeXy LaTiN stop,look, call, 100% CLASS!!!# - 27
(Hillsborough Co, All tampa,area will travel around all pl)
~ *Let Us B You.r PLAYGROUND* ~2 Of The SeXxXiest Girls In The Bay Want To Play Both of us for *160* - 23
lets rock n roll!im the definition of a good time! - 21
(Hillsborough Co, tampa fl "Fletcher" private residence)
Let Me B YOU"R Personal PLAYMATE *$*Q*u*i*R*T*E*R MANDY New pics (727)565_3820 ~IN/OUT 140 - 25
Let Me B YOU"R Personal PLAYMATE * shy call mandy incal100 New pics (727)565_3820, - 25
(Pinellas Co, IN/PINELLAS 54TH N 275 N.*OUT*ALL OVER)
-------------> KAYLA --- aLLNite ----- ------------ -------------- ----------> KAYLA - 26
(st pete (pinellas/tampa))
Last NIGHT 4 Awhile SQUIRT3R*CLASSY *not *Trashy *new PICS MANDY (727)565-3820 o*OUT/150 - 25
Last Night In Town !SQUIRT3R *Pretty* Perky* Frreaky*CLASSY* PLAYMATE 727-565-3820- IN/OUT - 25
.*-:¦:-*¨ ¨*. Kinky Prego Hot n Gushy .*-:¦:-*¨ ¨*. GREAT Specials .*-:¦:-*¨ ¨*. - 27
Last Chance $$$ Leaving Town (2 night ....last night) *** Get It While I'm HOTTT in Tampa Guys - 44
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa Airport/West)
♡♡ JuSt ViSiTiNg TaMpA ██♡ ▃ ▆ █ **♡ _ Jasmine _♡** █ ▆ ▃ DoNt MiSs Me!!♡ —█♡♡ - 20
(Hillsborough Co, In call only hillsborogh ave 275)
----It's Mandy Blonde Freak A Call U Won't REGRET IN/OUTcall (727)565-3820 New PICS And Hair!outcall - 25
¥\/ its drenched o.u.t.s.i.d.e \/¥ ΔΔΔΔ¥\/ but im drenched i.n.s.i.d.e \/¥ - 28
(Hillsborough Co, caution slippery when w.e.t 8134759179)
Its the Weekend! Come C Jaz 2 De-Stress ,Relax &I; luv 50 Incall Spcl til midnite! - 26
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon Mall area(75 & 60))
Its H.U.M.P Day! Come C Jaz 2 De-Stress & U.n.l.o.a.d! Im Ready R U?! 50/60/90 Incall Spcl til 9pm! - 26
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon Mall area(75 & 60))
im ready to gt nazty az u need me 2 b* come punish me* (50spcl) - 24
(Hillsborough Co, tampa/50th and i-4)
Im BACK! N BETTER Than Ever*Hot.* PLAYMATE* Classy * MANDY (727)565-3820 INCALL120 out160 - 26
(Pinellas Co, IN*pinellas,beaches,TAMPA..)
☆★☆★ I'm back!!! Better and t3r than ever ★☆★☆ Calling all freaks!!! - 23
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon)
💏 💏 💏 💏 💏 💏 I'M ALWAYS PLEASING * AND * NEVER TEASING 💏 💏 💏 💏 💏 💏 - 28
(Hillsborough Co, 👣👣👣 TOE CURLING SATISFACTION 👣👣👣)
I Luv What I Do & U Will Too! Call Jaz to C Why I luv Pleasing U! 50/70 Incall Spls til midnight! - 26
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon state rd 60 an 75 area (Incall))
Hot n Gushy Prego ~;❀ ☆ Full Of Suprises ♥~ ☆ Ready For You - 27
Hot Freaky Prego Chick with hot Incall and Outcall Specials - 27
(Tampa Stadium Area Incall / Tampa Bay)
HiGhLy AdDiCTiVe WhiTe BLonDe SpiNNeR **SwEeT, CLasSy, DesCreTe TrEaT**((100%REAL PICS)) - 26
(Clearwater, Pasco Co, Tampa)
Highly Reviewed ♥♥Ms.Shea♥♥🔹👅🔹♥♥Crazi Earlybird Specials!!!♥♥◾ - 22
(Hillsborough Co, I-4 & 50th St. EXIT 3 CASINO AREA)
Hey* It's* Mandy* My* Reviews* Say* All* You* Need* To* Know* T.E.R.* #135757 Outcall* For* * - 23
Here to rescue your heart , Its the infamous sexy original" LiL Miss Kitty Kat" 90$$ - 19
(Tampa bay area)
««~~*** HeAvEn on EaRth»»~~** ¢h0©ol@+€ dReAm****»» - 25
(Hillsborough Co, Temple Terrace usf busch)
Highly Reviewed ♥♥Ms.Shea♥♥🔹👅🔹♥♥Crazi Specials!!!♥♥◾ - 22
(Hillsborough Co, I-4 & 50th St. EXIT 3 CASINO AREA)
~Hey Its MANDY FREAKY Blonde *er* The BEST Call U Will Ever 140! Make NEW # 727-565-3820 - 25
Hey it's Mandy!! My Special Talent Will ALWAYS Have You Back For More OUTCALL SPECAL 140*NEW PICS!! - 23
(incall clearwater off19 out ALL ALL OVER)
Hey* It's* Mandy* My* Reviews* Say* All* You* Need* To* Know* Outcall* For* * - 23
**Hey PaPI!*SEXxy CLASSY PEtiTE LATINA WitH the RoundesT AZZ oN BP!! 50 SPL!!..WENdi 813-952-6929 - 25
(Hillsborough Co, 275 and bearss 15 MIN FROM TAMPA AIRPORT)
HaVE YoU HrD AbOuT LaTesT ,NEW, Technic,CallEd HeAdAche ReliEf Stp sEttling 4 LeSs CoMe Gt ThE Best - 32
(brandon,fl, Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
Good Morning - *M* (Grown & Sexy) *I* ( . )( . ) *L* (Sweet & Sentual) *F* (Plenty Azzets) - 45
(Pinellas Co, Clearwater * Tampa * St.Pete)
Good Morning - 25
(Fort Myers, Hernando Co, Hillsborough Co, Pasco Co, Tampa, Westchase. Lake Padgett. Wesley Chapel)
FRIdaY NigHT 2 GirL $hoW! 80! 80 BruNeTTe Vs DoMiNiCaN 80 _ EaGeR & ReAdY » CaLL NoW! - 22
(Hillsborough Co, TAMPA,Busch Gardens,USF,Temple Terrace)
Fine slim chick call me NOW now NOW - 26
(Pinellas Co, Tampa, Ulmerton road by Clearwater St pete airp)
☆♡☆ Feeling Playful☆♡☆ Call Me For My Special Rate ♡ - 25
(Pinellas Co, Clearwater, ulmerton rd. (Incall))
FLORIDA'S absolute BEST & Above the rest, so TREAT yourself ♥♥ - 24
(Pinellas Co, St Pete , Gulf Blvd. INCALL or ur place)
Early MOrning Relaxation Neone?? Brandons Baddest Brunette 60 Special - 23
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon (( 60 N 75)))
Come & Knock on My Door.. Sara's waiting for you.. - 23
(Clearwater/Largo in&out; call, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
~ Blonde With A AMAZING Talent That Will Have Back 4 More ~130 OUT SPECIAL *NEW PICS* - 23
-- Big Phat ((JUICY @SS)) & Curves in Allll the right Places -- __ -- Kinky Blondes DO IT BETTER - 22
(Hillsborough Co, DALE MABRY incall and Out ~ 813.361.0303)
Are you as naughty as me? escape 2 xtasy Reviews - 42
(Pinellas Co, Feathersound, Clearwater, St.Pete)
60.80. $SPeCiALs$! ✰ MaGiC BoDy GLiDe MoNDaY ✰ w/KaShMiR InCaLL 813/431-7485 - 36
(60) [☎ CÅll M€☎] ★★☆ Ohhhh I'm So Fr33ky..(.i wont stop till you ooze) - ❤ ❤ Softest~ Booty~Ever❤ - 21
(Hillsborough Co, bearss ave./275* (813) 4758283)
60./80. (;! KooL OfF KaShMiR's HaWt BoDy GLiDe (;! ~ 813/431-7485 ~ INCALL - 36
50*50*50=(drive by ) B.R.A.I.N SOO good you'll swear I went 2 HARVARD. REaDY NoW . - 23
(Hillsborough Co, Busch Gardens Area)
(50*50*50=QV)LeT me FiNiSH what YoUR eyes DoNE STARTED.... READY NoW (*38DDD's*) - 23
(Hillsborough Co, Busch and Boulevard(PRIVATE RESIDENCE))
I HOST 💋 All NATURAL 36DDs .ღ. HiGHLY SkiLLEd .ღ. 🎀S-E-X-Y & ThiCK🍨 .ღ. Busty BOMBSHELL 💘 - 31
(Pasco Co, Port Richey- US 19 & Fox Hollow dr, Tampa)
♧♧♧ ☆I can come to u Pasco, Pinellas, and Hillsborough ☆ ♧♧♧ - 27
(Palm Harbor Area, Pasco Co, Tampa)
I Host (u come to me) 🚗 Sweet 🍬 Curvy Cutie 🍨 Thick in All The RiGhT Places 💋 - 28
(Pinellas Co, St. Petersburg- 38th Ave No & 4th St, Tampa)