Mon 27 Jan
OutcallONLY ♡Ill be wearin nothin but tattoos and a smile♡ - 24
(34th street north, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
fresh from tampa..... 50💲quick visit..& my..100💲 specials are ..UNLIMITED T - 23
(Pinellas Co, 34th street and 17 Ave north..St Pete)
Luscious Honey *&&* Beautiful Li'l Bitt^INCALLS ONLY^ - 24
(Pinellas Co, North side St petersburg, 34th street)
Sat 11 Jan
fresh from tampa..... 50💲quick visit..& my..100💲 specials are ..UNLIMITED T - 23
(Pinellas Co, 34th street and 17 Ave north..St Pete)
Fri 10 Jan
specials 50,80,140 ! CLEAN&JUICY; ILL DO YU JUST THE WAY YU LIKE IT available all day an night - 29
HoT~SUpEr SEXy~BLoNDe MILF! I'm the ToTaL package! FiNalLY an AmAZinG oLDeR WoMAN!! INCALL - 35
(Pinellas Co, St. Petersburg, 34th Street North)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
HoT~SUpEr SEXy~BLoNDe MILF! I'm the ToTaL package! FiNalLY an AmAZinG oLDeR WoMAN!! INCALL - 35
(Pinellas Co, St. Petersburg, 34th Street North)
Mon 06 Jan
OutcallONLY ♡Ill be wearin nothin but tattoos and a smile♡ - 24
(34th street north, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Sat 04 Jan
Luscious Honey *&&* Beautiful Li'l Bitt^INCALLS ONLY^ - 24
(Pinellas Co, North side St petersburg, 34th street)
Fri 03 Jan