Mon 27 Jan
This Charlie's Angel will take You to heaven *** Incall/Outcall - 40
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa Bay Area)
❤░ 【LOOK!】░❤░ 【 ★MATURE★】 ░❤░【 UPSCALE SENSUAL COMPANION】 ░❤【 I'M REAL】352░234░8698 - 40
(OUTcall Clearwater and surrounding areas, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
(727)-831-2759 ** HOTTIE With a BoDy*** - 26
(Hillsborough Co, INCALL and OUTCALL, Pasco Co, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Mon 13 Jan
This Charlie's Angel will take You to heaven *** Incall/outcall ^(727) 482-0654 - 39
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa Bay Area)
Sun 12 Jan
💖Only 4 U 💖▃💑💑💑▃ I HAVE▃▃▃ N▃▃▃ O▃▃▃▃L▃▃▃▃ I▃▃▃▃ M▃▃▃▃I▃▃▃▃ T▃▃▃▃ *▃▃▃▃ T▃▃▃▃ O▃▃▃▃D▃▃▃▃ A▃▃▃▃ - 24
(Hillsborough Co, Pinellas Co, Tampa, tampa and st petes outcall)
Sat 11 Jan
💖Only 4 U 💖▃💑💑💑▃ I HAVE▃▃▃ N▃▃▃ O▃▃▃▃L▃▃▃▃ I▃▃▃▃ M▃▃▃▃I▃▃▃▃ T▃▃▃▃ *▃▃▃▃ T▃▃▃▃ O▃▃▃▃D▃▃▃▃ A▃▃▃▃ - 24
(Hillsborough Co, Pinellas Co, Tampa, tampa and st petes outcall)
💘 Brrrrr Come by and let me warm you up💘. Or I can come to you! Winter special on outcalls!💘 - 36
(Pinellas Co, 19 and Ulmerton)
♥♥Beautiful♥♥Sexy♥YOUNG SwEEt ♥♥JuicYBooTy▂▃▅▆▇ ♥█ ♥♥Damsel in distress ♥♥ █ - 27
(Pinellas Co, Outcall all over pinellas and Tampa)
2 is better then 1😘😘upscale💋💅💄beautiful and petite💍💓❤💋 - 24
(Clearwater Beach incall and outcall, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
💋💋Outcall ONLY 💋💋sPeCiAl tReAt 🎉fetish friendly🎉 - 26
(Hillsborough Co, Outcall Hillsborough and Pinellas, Tampa)
Fri 10 Jan
👄👄 SeE wHaT u BeEn miSSinG 👀👀✏☎ (727)-678-3421 ((. ((( ☎ - 26
(INCALL and OUTCALL, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
☆ ♡ ☆ ChocOlaTe CovEreD Bunny ☆ ♡ ☆ - 26
(Hillsborough Co, INCALL and OUTCALL, Pasco Co, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
☆ ♡ ✿ ♥ ★ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ ☆S★W☆E★E☆T ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂★T☆R★E☆A★T☆▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂★ ♥ ✿ ♡ DaMsEL in DiSTrEsS - 27
(Pinellas Co, Outcall all over pinellas and Tampa)
Thu 09 Jan
This Charlie's Angel will take You to heaven *** Incall/outcall - 39
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa Bay Area)
☆ ♡ ✿ ♥ ★ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ ☆S★W☆E★E☆T ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂★T☆R★E☆A★T☆▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂★ ♥ ✿ ♡ ☆NEW PICS - 27
(Pinellas Co, Outcall Pinellas and Tampa)
☆ ♡ ☆ ChocOlaTe CovEreD Bunny ☆ ♡ ☆ - 26
(Hillsborough Co, INCALL and OUTCALL, Pasco Co, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
♥♥Beautiful♥♥Sexy♥YOUNG SwEEt ♥♥JuicYBooTy▂▃▅▆▇ ♥█ ♥♥Damsel in distress ♥♥ █ - 27
(Pinellas Co, Outcall all over pinellas and Tampa)
Wed 08 Jan
★.•*¨ RAINY Day Specials!! ¨*•.☆:♥ EXOTIC Fantasy ★.•*¨¨*•☆☎ 7274202764:★. - 22
(Hillsborough Co, TAMPA)
💋OuTcAlL sPeCiAl💋 🎉pErFeCt PaRtY giRl, hr includes massage! - 25
(Hillsborough Co, Outcall Hillsborough and Pinellas, Tampa)
💘 Brrrrr Come by and let me warm you up💘. Or I can come to you! Winter special on outcalls!💘 - 36
(Pinellas Co, 19 and Ulmerton)
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
This Charlie's Angel will take You to heaven *** Incall/outcall - 40
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa Bay Area)
👄👄 SeE wHaT u BeEn miSSinG 👀👀✏☎ (727)-308-8691 ☎ - 26
(Hillsborough Co, INCALL and OUTCALL, Pasco Co, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
2 is better then 1😘😘upscale💋💅💄beautiful and petite💍💓❤💋 - 24
(Clearwater Beach incall and outcall, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Sat 04 Jan
☆ ♡ ☆ RUsSiAn HoTTie ☆ ♡ ☆ NaugHtYnaDiA ♡☆ ♡ - 26
(Hillsborough Co, INCALL and OUTCALL, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
💋OuTcAlL sPeCiAl💋 🎉pErFeCt PaRtY giRl, hr includes massage! - 25
(Hillsborough Co, Outcall Hillsborough and Pinellas, Tampa)
♥♥Beautiful♥♥Sexy♥YOUNG SwEEt ♥♥JuicYBooTy▂▃▅▆▇ ♥█ ♥♥Damsel in distress ♥♥ █ - 27
(Pinellas Co, Outcall all over pinellas and Tampa)
Fri 03 Jan
❤——— ❤ ——— ★ ——— SuNdAy 🌅 SpEciAlS🙌SWEET🍭—SEXY👯🍒 Cassie ❤ ——— ★ ——— ❤ ——— ❤ ❤❤——— - 26
(Outcall only Pinellas and Hillsborough, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
👀Look what I can do 👄👀private party girl (fetish friendly) - 26
(Hillsborough Co, Outcall Hillsborough and Pinellas, Tampa)
❤░ 【LOOK!】░❤░ 【 ★MATURE★】 ░❤░【 UPSCALE SENSUAL COMPANION】 ░❤【 I'M REAL】352░234░8698 - 40
(OUTcall Clearwater and surrounding areas, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
(727)-831-2759 ** HOTTIE With a BoDy*** - 26
(Hillsborough Co, INCALL and OUTCALL, Pasco Co, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Thu 02 Jan