Mon 27 Jan
**** Newest and Sexest Dominican WILL MAKE YOUR DAY OR NIGHT!!!!!***** - 23
(Ulmerton275/Clearwater/ALL of Tampa Bay)
Spend Your Saturday Sexiest Blonde on Back Page Up For Anything Ready 2 Go NOW!!! - 23
(Ulmerton275/ALL OF TAMPA BAY)
*°*NEW PICS!!*°* Turn your SATURDAY NIGHT into a FANTASY come true! CALGON take me away! - 31
(Pinellas Co, Clearwater/Largo - Ulmerton and 275)
*Keira*Tired of those other girls...I give u what u want...Im petite,sweet give yourself a treat! - 26
(I-275 and Ulmerton)
Incall Special 180/hr Young, Fresh Brunette that'll make your toes curl - 21
(Hillsborough Co, Ulmerton and 275 Clearwater Airport)
I'm Back and Better Than Ever Guys!- $70 Special!!-Beautiful Jane - 29
(Pinellas Co, Tampa, Ulmerton and 275)
***I GoT WHaT YoU WaNT =^_^= I GoT WHaT YoU NeeD *** - 21
(Pinellas Co, Ulmerton and 275 Clearwater)
**Hey Guys Its CHLOE !!! Merry X-Mas.let me be your favorite gift today!!!ask BouT 2Girl SPC.W/MANDY - 23
EROTIC [✔] AMAZ!NG BODY [✔] $UPER $PECIAL$! in/out call - 24
(Pinellas Co, CLEARWATER,Feather Sound,Discreet IN/out)
***Friday Delight NEW NEW NEW HOTTEST BLONDE Back Page Up For ANYTHING!!!!*** - 23
(Tampa Bay/Pasco/Pinellas)
Spend Your Sunday with Sexiest Blonde on Back Page Up For Anything Ready 2 Go NOW!!! - 23
(Ulmerton275/ALL OF TAMPA BAY)
Hot ChOcOLate NyMpHo lOvEs to Call U Big DaDdY ~Special~ ☆ 100% GFE : TER Reviewed!!! - 19
(Incall UpscaleUlmerton)
**Keira**The Cutest Kitten {Daily Specials}Treat Yourself .Tired adult entertainers? I'm the answer! - 26
(I 275 and Ulmerton Rd)
Incall Special 180/hr Young, Fresh Brunette that'll make your toes curl - 21
(Hillsborough Co, Ulmerton and 275 Clearwater Airport)
Im Sexy & Ready SO WHY Wait?? Come Over Tiffany &/OR Imani Incall or Outcall TONIGHT $100 $100 - 20
♔♔★★FARRAH $pEcIaLs!! $tOp!! $pEcIaLs!! $ToP!! cLAsSy.. $eXy.. call 4 Specials!!!! - ♥♥★ ★ - 23
(Pinellas Co, ulmerton rd and 275)
♥☆★ Crazy Unbelievable Specials ☆★ Feeling Naughty ★☆70•90•160★♡☆♥ - 23
(Pinellas Co, clearwater Ulmerton road and 275)
ChOcOLate Imani -- Sexy FREAKY Ebony GFE - 36D Soo hot.... SLIM SEXY w/ jUICY boOTy. TER# 148525 - 19
Mon 13 Jan
Thick🔥 sexy freak 👅nasty💦 bbw w/Great incall specials 813-475-1029 - 25
(Pinellas Co, Tampa, Ulmerton and 275 IN/OUTCALLS)
Sun 12 Jan
**** Newest and Sexest Dominican WILL MAKE YOUR DAY OR NIGHT!!!!!***** - 23
(Ulmerton275/Clearwater/ALL of Tampa Bay)
A.S.S M.E.N CALL ME ► ௵ $100hh 160hr OUTCALL SPECIAL! New Reviewed Cutie w/ BOOTY - 19
(Incall UpscaleUlmerton)
Sat 11 Jan
♥☆★ Pleasure Princess ☆enjoy my juicy tightly grip★ 65• 80• 100• 170☆★Up all night 24/7 - 23
(Pinellas Co, clearwater Ulmerton road and 275)
**** Newest and Sexest Dominican WILL MAKE YOUR DAY OR NIGHT!!!!!***** - 23
(Ulmerton275/Clearwater/ALL of Tampa Bay)
I'm Back and Better Than Ever Guys!- $70 Special!!-Beautiful Jane - 29
(Pinellas Co, Tampa, Ulmerton and 275)
***Hottest Blonde Mystic is Back and Ready 2 Please- Early Incall Special B4 Noon!!! *** - 20
Pinellas' Favorite Girlfriend is Back for A Visit!-Raine - 38
(Pinellas Co, Tampa, Ulmerton and 275)
A.S.S M.E.N CALL ME ► ௵ $100hh 160hr OUTCALL SPECIAL! New Reviewed Cutie w/ BOOTY - 19
(Incall UpscaleUlmerton)
CAUTION ... WARNING Deep French Kissing HOTTIE!! 80 Now till 1 am..SPECIAL RIGHT NOW!!! - 26
(275 and Ulmerton Rd)
Are You Spending Too Much On Your "HOBBY"? $90 hhr-Danielle - 25
(Pinellas Co, Tampa, Ulmerton and 275)
CAUTION ... WARNING Deep French Kissing HOTTIE!! 80 Now till 1 am..SPECIAL RIGHT NOW!!! - 26
(275 and Ulmerton Rd)
MORE NEW PICS! I'm Everything YOU Want, Need & Desire - 26
(Pinellas Co, Tampa, ulmerton and 275 area)
♔♔★★NEW PiCS $tOp!! $pEcIaLs!! iM yOuR cLAsSy.. $eXy.. LiL sEcReT-♥♥★ ★ - 23
(Pinellas Co, ulmerton rd and 275)
Fri 10 Jan
**** Young 20 Year Old Busty Brunette with Curves will MAKE YOUR DAY OR NIGHT!!!!!***** - 20
(Ulmerton 275/Tampa Bay/Clearwater)
SeXy EbOnYWiTh DaNgErOuS CuRvEs ► ஐo100$ CUM TaKe a LOaD oFF °oஐo - 19
(INCALL/ Outcall To All of Tampa Bay)
P*R*e*T*T*y - L*a*D*y- o*N- D*e*C*K- N*e*W- H*o*T- R*e*a*L- P*i*X- A*l*l- o*F- M*e - 20
(Pinellas Co, Ulmerton and 275 clearwater)
MY 36 D'S Will Have you COoKOo 4 my Cocoa Puffs!! Sweet Southern Cutie ALEXIS is VISTING !!!!!!!! - 19
Busty Butterfly. Im Back 50 Specials This Weekend Incall Only New Pictures - 27
(Pinellas Co, Clearwater. Ulmerton And 275)
YOUR __---__ DReaM__--__CoME __--__TRuE__--__ **iT'S aLL ABoUT YOU** - 21
(Pinellas Co, Ulmerton and 275 clearwater)
YOUR __---__ DReaM__--__CoME __--__TRuE__--__ **iT'S aLL ABoUT YOU** - 20
(Pinellas Co, Ulmerton and 275 clearwater)
P*R*e*T*T*y - L*a*D*y- o*N- D*e*C*K- N*e*W- H*o*T- R*e*a*L- P*i*X- A*l*l- o*F- M*e - 21
(Pinellas Co, Ulmerton and 275 clearwater)
Hot ChOcOLate NyMpHo lOvEs to Call U Big DaDdY ~Special~ ☆ 100% GFE : TER Reviewed!!! - 19
(Incall UpscaleUlmerton)
♡(727) 551-1622☆☆Look Hoo's Baaack!!Tracey☆☆Sexy Stress Relief♡♡♡ - 50
(Pinellas Co, Tampa, Ulmerton and 275)
Don't * Be* Fooled* By* Fake* Pics! We* Are* 100%* REAL! 2* Sexy* Girls* For 200*Kisses* INCALL - 23
*°*NEW PICS!!*°* Turn your SATURDAY NIGHT into a FANTASY come true! CALGON take me away! - 31
(Pinellas Co, Clearwater/Largo - Ulmerton and 275)
MY 36 D'S Will Have you COoKOo 4 my Cocoa Puffs!! Sweet Southern Cutie ALEXIS is VISTING !!!!!!!! - 19
**** Young 20 Year Old Busty Brunette with Curves will MAKE YOUR DAY OR NIGHT!!!!!***** - 20
(Ulmerton 275/Tampa Bay/Clearwater)
~2 HOT BLONDES Can U Handle 2 Of Us Or 1? 2 FOR 1 SPECIAL!MANDY &CHLOE; NEW PICS (727)565-3820 IN/OUT - 25
A.S.S M.E.N CALL ME ► ௵ $100hh 160hr OUTCALL SPECIAL! New Reviewed Cutie w/ BOOTY - 19
(Incall UpscaleUlmerton)
🍒 New Pics🍒 Dessi your erotic relaxation specialist is waiting💎 - 30
(Pinellas Co, Tampa, Ulmerton and 275)
♥☆★ Crazy Unbelievable Specials ☆★ Feeling Naughty ★☆70•90•160★♡☆♥ - 23
(Pinellas Co, clearwater Ulmerton road and 275)
CAUTION ... WARNING Feathersound HOTTIE!! 80 Now till 1 am..SPECIAL RIGHT NOW!!! - 26
(275 and Ulmerton Rd)
Thu 09 Jan
CHLOIE is Exactly what U need tonight call 7273302611 - 23
(Clearwater Ulmerton & near 275 US19, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
$ummer is back&the; $eason I$ changin.goin byNEVAEH now .Check me out ;) - 21
(Pinellas Co, ulmerton and 275/extended stay)
INTIMATE KISSES Come over and get relaxed this morning !!! $60 late night 1 hr SPECIALS !! - 19
(275 and ulmerton rd)
***--I - GoT -- WHaT - YoU -- WaNT -*''*- I -GoT -- WHaT - YoU NeeD--*** - 21
(Pinellas Co, Ulmerton and 275 Clearwater)
hot new pics jessy 100 hr erotic bodyslide and gfe together 9-9 incall - 43
(ulmerton 275n/clearwater)
Report Ad Sunday Outcall Specials! ~~ (S_E_X_Y ) °°★°° (B_A_B_Y) °°★°° (D_O_L_L_) - 21
(Pinellas Co, Ulmerton - 275 - Gandy)
_First Time in Town- SINGAPOREAN Girl_ ASIAN- IN/OUTCALLS_ $100 Specials- Very Beautiful_ Sensual - 26
(Pasco Co, Directions Inside)
A.S.S M.E.N CALL ME ► ௵ $100hh 160hr OUTCALL SPECIAL! New Reviewed Cutie w/ BOOTY - 19
(Incall UpscaleUlmerton)
CAUTION ... WARNING Feathersound HOTTIE!! 80 Now till 1 am..SPECIAL RIGHT NOW!!! - 26
(275 and Ulmerton Rd)